I think I know what he's talking about. The underside of the targa the part you see on the inside of the car. Mine is cloth, another member here (Sside) has a leather top its really out of place if you ask me.
Im loling at the comments right now he says he will prove us all wrong by taking it to shows. So lets invite him to all the Supra National shows in the US. That rear piece of metal looks like it would hurt aerodynamics. Am i the only one who thinks Toyota made a very nice looking car for its...
I think it was shawns car think his best time was 9.6~ someone correct me if im wrong. F&H had two cars there if im not mistaken. Victor is the one who dynoed 699. Im amazed how many mk4's blew up this year
Ignore me and my friends commentary and my bad quality camera i borrowed my dads...
Lol coolant on spark plug sounds like a dead give away. If youre unsure id test it, but if it were me id pull the head anyways seeing as i want to see what else he may have screwed up.
Dude i do not mind at all in fact i liked it so much im gonna save it cause you just made my car look badass. I wonder how itd look with BBS RS meshies
Thanks for the Kind Words :D
my list (leaving out the ones already mentioned)
Ghost in the Shell
Black Lagoon
Devil Lady
Outlaw Star
Excell Saga
old school goodies
Ranma 1/2
Urusei Yatsura
Sounds like a 7M to me as well from another angle
this one also sounds like same car
Man those lower codes in the teens SUCK i had code 11 for the longest time and finally when i replaced all my grounds it went away.
Ignition would be a good place to start.
Hes talking about the shapes cut out on the oil pump driveshaft gear. In other words the gear in the picture has rounded triangle shapes cut out. On his other gear he has circles cut out between (like a Phone Dial)
Nice work, cant wait to see it done. That black widow is really cool to see up close in a photo. Just be glad it isnt a brown recluse ;) Id get the bug spray pronto.
I noticed something similar on my car also a light film of oil in the accordian hose, as well as IC pipes. My PCV system is stock and theres is absoultely no smoke out my exhaust. Havent done a compression test yet at all. Car has ran great though havent noticed any loss of oil. Should i be worried?
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