after all that it still didn't come out!?
chem dip?what is it? the reson I'm asking is I want to clean my intake mani and t/b real nice inside and out and I want it to look like it was sand blasted(god I miss the sandblaster at my old school)
so lets say I start striping my car.How do I know when I get 50/50 balance.Also I know our cars are front heavey and there not 50/50 but dose any body know what the balance of a hard top is?
most def man.Thats what the car is made for.It's just on the model they sold to everybody is heavy as shit.But thats no big deal.You just need to put it on a diet.
I one day plan on building my car for road racing/club racing.Plus I will do auto x events every now and than even tho supras...
this sounds like a good idea.Get it checked out and if you rebuild it than you'll have a brand new trans.if not you could get a R154 for a good price
btw a V160 is a great trans but it coast more than your supra did and it's going to take some messing with to make it work.
I saw a black MKII this morning on my way to work.I waved at him and it was a old Philippino guy and he was looking at me like I was crazy and than he saw my car and waved back.It was pretty clean to
I get the point it's just one my supra is my DD(witch I hate) two I find fun in it but I find a lot more fun in driving down a winding road or racing in a auto x event Because I feel like I get more than just fun out of it.O and trust me with that I beat on my dd supra enuff she dosnt need any...
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