the fat drifter


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
haha, i love how you can see instant body roll on the supra his first try around which gave him a bit of understeer. He did better the 2nd time. The bmw was nice, the car was planted to the ground and instantly do a power slide into a burn out with little body roll.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
if you don't see the point in it you never will.

ITS FUN and any gear head knows this. it you aren't breaking shit your not having enough fun. lol. pitching a car sideways boiling the tires off is why i go through all this work to keep my supra running like it does. also to smoke all those hondas and shitstangs at the drags. i wouldn't go through all the blood and sweat if i was suping up a geo metro (not too much fun when it wraps out at 85mph with its jank 3spd or whatever it has).


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
black89t;1052155 said:
if you don't see the point in it you never will.

ITS FUN and any gear head knows this. it you aren't breaking shit your not having enough fun. lol. pitching a car sideways boiling the tires off is why i go through all this work to keep my supra running like it does. also to smoke all those hondas and shitstangs at the drags. i wouldn't go through all the blood and sweat if i was suping up a geo metro (not too much fun when it wraps out at 85mph with its jank 3spd or whatever it has).

oo so your telling me that build your car to beat hondas and do burn outs?Thats dumb!and any gear head dosent say if your not breaking stuff your not havin fun.They say if your not breaking stuff your not going fast.I mean a lot of people love beating on there car and I'm not saying it's not fun but what I'm saying is theres no real point to it cause it's a waste of money.

Plus theres a lot of other ways to have fun with your car


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I agree, anyone who hasnt done some donuts and abused a set of tires or a toy car doesnt know what they are missing. Whats the point? as the OP said, purely for the fun of it. You say its just a waste of money, so are almost all hobbies. Going to an amusment park can cost a family thousands and you have nothing to show for it when you leave...except maybe a smile on your face. People jump out of perfectly good airplanes for fun, its not a cheap pastime but guess what? its f'n fun.

Would I do it in my DD? no way. Would I do it to a second or third car I had just for the sole purpose of beating on? DUH!

Im sorry but I have to agree, if you dont get the point, sell your Supra now. :nono:


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
I get the point it's just one my supra is my DD(witch I hate) two I find fun in it but I find a lot more fun in driving down a winding road or racing in a auto x event Because I feel like I get more than just fun out of it.O and trust me with that I beat on my dd supra enuff she dosnt need any more beating.

OO and I've done my share of burn outs,power slids but I let it all out and I don't feel I need to do any more for awhile plus the tickets,tires,other repairs is way to much


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
drifting is fun and entertaining, but I must agree with the others. The video was not fun and/or entertaining.

I don't want to discourage from posting videos though. MK3 guys seem to be the least apt to post videos. So keep it up, we need more!