WOW!! thats looks sexy.What year is your car?I see 89+ moldings and wing but i see pre 89 mirors and bumper.Thats the best combo to get cause I dis like 89+ bumpers and mirors
I could see that you have no money.I'm in the same boat along with a lot of other car guys out there but come on man 40 bucks?I paid the same thing to get my ls head done.Also were did you get the money for a 20g turbo and all the other goodies.I mean if you know your spark plug hold was striped...
WOW the car is looking better than ever!!You always take some great pics.Maybe you could even make my car look good.Hey you better post tho's pic's in the pre 89 bumper thread
POR 15 FTMFW!!!! I love por 15 it's so good to work with and it works so well.You'll be happy with it in the long wrong.
The car looks like it's coming a long nice keep it up.
WOW man your car is beautiful!! I love the wheels to!! I wouldnt think that they would look good on our cars but wow they go great with the look of your car.
please post some pics of it on my bumper thread.
I'm not a big fan of that wing but it's not all that ugly it looks kind of like a knock of bomex(or abflug sorry I for get witch one made a big wing like that)
This guy I know has one on his FC.I hate how it looks because it looks like it belongs in a old school musle car but it dose feel real nice.
This is the shift knob I have in my car.Look ate the pic for about 30 seconds you'll see why after.
yes theres about 100 diffrent set up's out there for somthing your looking for.You should search next time.Look around a bit there is a whole thread on almost every set up out there.
also if you want to keep the tems the only shocks I could think of is tokico illuminas(thats what I have).But...
this has been around for awhile they sell them in the hot rod market.I always thought it would be a coole idea for sombody to do it on a jap car.It's a cool idea but not somthing I would buy.
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