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  1. Justin

    Tial BOV

    I tell ya what, I'll make you a killer deal since you hate yours so much... I'll swap you straight across for my super-great HKS SSQV!!!! I'll even pay shipping ;)
  2. Justin

    Tial BOV

  3. Justin

    Word of warning on electric fans...

    happened to a buddy of mine... we were sitting in line at the boarder coming back from vancouver this summer... when we FINALLY (3 hours later) got across the boarder he pulls over about 100 ft on the american side... melted the shit out of his fuse holder... Lucky we're all car eletronics...
  4. Justin

    Bomex Three Hole

    Me Too ;) Where would I pick those up at? Definatly wouldn't happen for a while, I prefer to put my money into the engine, but it'll happen while I own the car :p
  5. Justin

    Tial BOV

    its strange, everytime I hear a video of the Tial it sounds different :) I LOVE how it sounds under really low boost though... when I was in vancouver one of the mk4's passed me with just a few PSI and shifted and the sound was absolutly awesome. like the first time it blows off int he...
  6. Justin

    Bomex Three Hole

    Yes!! That's sweet... I've never heard anything bad 'bout these guys, anyone have any BAD stories about their stuff??? *Guess I should have searched ;)*
  7. Justin

    Bomex Three Hole

    I've never really looked into changing anything on the supras body but I'm thinking a nice 3 hole looks pretty good.... Where would I find something like this? I've no idea where to start looking! Also thinking about a nice clean set of side skirts too...
  8. Justin

    Tial BOV

    225 on HPF. The ones Aaron offers are pretty damn tempting, cuz its a DAMN good price. KnifeArtist, I'm not going to be getting rid of mine for a bit, I have a few other things to get before I buy a new boV when mine works perfect.
  9. Justin

    Who's fault?

    If you've seen that All-State comercial you'll know exactlyw hat I'm talking about.... if you're parked, and open your door and a car hits it and knocks it off your car... who's fault??
  10. Justin

    Tial BOV

    Yeah, I agree, like I said, I'm going to get rid of my SSQV for one... HPF carries them.
  11. Justin

    Tial BOV

    I'm trying to remember the video I was watching that had a perfect example... but I'm really forgetfull. I've heard people equate it to a whip cracking. I really like it, there were a few guys in Vancouver that had them... I'm going to get one eventually.
  12. Justin

    I must be on a 5 year cycle (wheels)

    What is on the car as far as lip, etc? Is it Just the 3 hole lip? if so it looks damn good just like that!
  13. Justin

    People with aftermarket alarms, tell us what you're using!

    DEI = Directed Electronics = Viper, Python, Clifford, Rattler, Hornet, etc.
  14. Justin

    People with aftermarket alarms, tell us what you're using!

    Python 871, too be upgraded to the Python 990 as soon as I get another one in stock. Brain is behind the gauge cluster, and the remote will have a 1 mile range... Addons include glass break sensor, auto window modual, prox. Good choice on the Viper, I would never install anything...
  15. Justin

    Requesting pics of creative ISC hose re-routing

    No. The only reason its going all the way over there is for the AFM to meter the air it sucks in at idle.
  16. Justin

    So i drove the Srt-4 Today.

  17. Justin

    Is it just me or...

    HAH! I knew it wasn't just me! I'm not Crazy! :)
  18. Justin

    Is it just me or...

    did this section really screw things up... I keep clicking on all the wrong forums! If its just me I'll shut up :D
  19. Justin

    Shine lip test fit- "H" brand

    Lets see... 1: How much 2: Where do I get one for ME 3: Looks GREAT! :)
  20. Justin

    How Rare is this?

    huh, I guess I got it backwards. I thought that was the more common option. Guess I got straightend out tonight ;)