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  1. Figit090

    Anybody use

  2. Figit090

    mkIV scam?

    exactly what i was thinking. i saw one the other day for about 5k... that was actually part of why i suprised me because even some N/As ive seen for 20...
  3. Figit090

    need a no-cd crack

    oh. u been busted for posting stuff like that? heh. well its kinda silly really.... its bad enough that that kinda thing is available but making it so easy that anyone who can read can get it...thats....well...pushing it a bit.
  4. Figit090

    mkIV scam?

    haha, i wasnt looking at the site and didnt see that... someone showed the supra to me. but yeah i pretty much knew it was a scam but, i've never really read into mkIV scams and figured i'd ask about them.
  5. Figit090

    need a no-cd crack

  6. Figit090

    need a no-cd crack

    i didnt know there was any sort of rule about this kind of thing. maybe i should read the rules again?
  7. Figit090

    Official Virginia Tech massacre thread

    i'm just not sure what to discuss.... i'm also a bit upset over the school's treatment of a known issue that could have and DID end up bad when left unattended. its why i go out of my way sometimes to say hi to people i see that seem lonely....because you never know what a smile or a kind word...
  8. Figit090

    This has been a shitty week...

    WTF?? lol...thats funny but at the same time, not. dont ride a motorcycle if you arent in good spirits. post up about the mystery problem, maybe we can help narrow down the search and fix it so you can drive it...
  9. Figit090

    Nice Stang doesnt look right on the bubbly-topped mustang. too round... and i'd be curious to know how it does areodynamically. i know it should create an air pocket, but what if by some odd cooincidence the car did badly at speed with the top off, or the frame didnt like the extra flex? i...
  10. Figit090

    This has been a shitty week...

    oh damn dude, i'm so sorry to hear all that. just stay strong, and pull through it. dont let it get to you and know that it will get better. I think this kind of thing has or will happen to just about everybody at some point. make sure you think positive and dont dwell on the negative...
  11. Figit090

    Tranny cooler "56k will get owned"

    auto transmissions are different though.... doesnt the fluid essentially power the car?? in a manual transmission it simply lubricates this action....while the auto uses the fluid in the torque convertor. i might be wrong, i dont know much about autos... but yeah.. i think manuals operate...
  12. Figit090

    How should I feel? scary
  13. Figit090

    How should I feel?

    yeah...i never understood HOW that could do anything to the can't...can it? unless there was and the floorboard...yeah...that was stupid. who has a floorboard that unscrews to expose the street? i guess they should have researched the natural frequencies...
  14. Figit090

    mkIV scam?

    yeah. thanks. i'm not to familliar with mkIV prices so i had to make sure that the occasional low-deal doesnt come up.... i figured it would fetch 30k easy without having a real idea how much it was worth. i figured over 11k alone went into the engine..... thanks for the info. i wasnt...
  15. Figit090

    So I will be going to CalPoly San Luis Obispo

    oops...i meant...if i have time. my main idea is to get a part time job (maybe) and save up for a turbo supra, or something a tad newer. 86.5 is nice but... a 92 would last longer... good job getting into a good school. my school doesnt have the major i wanted. closest is "environmental...
  16. Figit090

    My new daily driver....

    lol... 600HP??? bahh! i'd love to see that car. pics, links, threads...hook us up and NICE buy...sure it doesnt look to great from the outside but a couple hundred or less in paint will get you a nice, quick DD for under 1k...sweetness. i used to want an awd eclipse... but found...
  17. Figit090

    Anybody use

    I'd like to get a membership to demonoid but i can't because the registrations are down... if anybody has a membership and thinks its ok, and wouldnt mind inviting me, it would rock! ...thanks.
  18. Figit090

    So I will be going to CalPoly San Luis Obispo

    i wanted to go there, but missed the application deadline by like 30 minutes so i'll be staying local. but i'll be saving money to boot, and staying i CAN work on the supra! woop!!
  19. Figit090

    Driving music - My demo cd - Download & comment

    why is my firefox having such a darn hard time initiating downloads lately? the bar WON'T MOVE!!
  20. Figit090

    mkIV scam?

    i'm curious if this is a scam.... its way to cheap...i think.... the only reason i could figure is a bad title....