This has been a shitty week...


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
Well... first.. someone decided that my great dane was they gave it some antifreeze...

Had to sit there and watch the poor thing have siezures for an hour before I got the vet on the phone. Anyway.... it had to be put down... :( Vet said antifreeze poisoning...

Nice sweet loving dog, never growled at or bit anyone... don't know why they would do that. Ended up costing me around $500 that I didn't have to the vet...

Well, that money didn't need to be spent. But, I thought it was in my account... So, the next stroke of bad luck.. My employer apparently thought it would be ok if they forgot to put my direct deposit in my checking account for a few days... which puts me in overdraft now... but I didn't know this... GREAT

Well, I still think I have cash in the bank since the direct deposit stub is at work. So, I go out, and buy gas, groceries and so on... about 7 transactions or so... @ $30 each overdraft fees.... oops.

Bank won't do shit about it, neither would company....

So then... my supra breaks...

and THEN my OTHER supra breaks

ok, that leaves me the bike. I pull out of the driveway, and immediatly run over a nail.... There goes a 250 dollar rear tire... great!

So I'm left with no ride now, cause the wife has to work too and needs her truck... :(

To top it all off, I have one more dog...

He's a nice yellow lab, also sweet as can be. I've had him four years and he even sleeps at the foot of my bed. He has personality.

Well, I hear a bunch of commotion outside, and apparently around six stray dogs have come into my yard, and killed my dog. WTF? I go inside and grab a 270 rifle and start firing rounds.. I took one of them out but the rest scattered.

What else can go wrong this week? Maybe I shouldn't ask.

This has been a pretty FUCKED up week


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
oh damn dude, i'm so sorry to hear all that. just stay strong, and pull through it. dont let it get to you and know that it will get better. I think this kind of thing has or will happen to just about everybody at some point. make sure you think positive and dont dwell on the negative aspects of life.

do you have any idea who or how and when someone could have done that and killed your dog? that angred me...

and the 'stray' dogs bit seems like an odd cooincidence. but i'm not sure i could see someone releasing those dogs for that just came to mind. i dunno

either way, i'm sorry. feel better bud. :)


Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
Damn those people, I just don't understand why does someone want to kill harmless dogs :( If it's not the case in your accident, then I mean generally.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
go scream at payroll, in person. that is complete bullshit that they give you the deposit slip and you didnt have the money deposited. i fucking hate payroll people sometimes, cuz if they fuck up it screws you royally.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Damn sorry to hear!

But what the hell cost $500 to put a dyeing dog out of it's misery. I had a dog that drank antifreeze. My vet told me there was nothing I could do, and it would only take a couple of hours to run it's course, if you know what I mean. It was a long grueling 8 hours later.

Also, What's wrong with the two Supras? Maybe we can help that.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
your luck is bound to change. i say buy a lotto ticket. if your luck stays the same, the worst that could happen is you don't win. or you could get killed on the way to the store.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
887mgte said:
your luck is bound to change. i say buy a lotto ticket. if your luck stays the same, the worst that could happen is you don't win. or you could get killed on the way to the store.

WTF?? lol...thats funny but at the same time, not.

dont ride a motorcycle if you arent in good spirits.

post up about the mystery problem, maybe we can help narrow down the search and fix it so you can drive it...


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
Mystery problem... car doesn't crank. Timing is correct, fuel is being sprayed, all cylinders are firing. Car doesn't even hit a little. Spark plugs have been changed, wires, coil packs, fuel filter.

It was running fine, came out, and it won't start.

About the bike tires: I'm just going to take it off and patch it. I have a race stand, tire tools... and all that. Just a bitch to do it. Brand new Metzler m1 sportecs :( Thanks for the offer though :)