To me there all great motors and I just looks at them as gte motors from the same family.So stop hating cause there all kick ass motors.7M's just need to be baby sited more and they need to be treated with tlc.But that dosent mean they can't take a beating.
These guys have some kick ass events.I'm sure if you d oa search on google you'll find more events but these guys have some great ones.
I know what your saying 100% and I'm the same way.I will sleep with almost any women I see but theres very few that I could be with.
I forgot to tell you this befor but I have had one bad break up(not even close to yours or not even as close as if me and my girl would be if we broke up)but...
I agree with this 100% cause right now I'm working at a super market as a cook.It's messy,back breaking(if you can belive it and I take a lot of shit from people.More shit and more people than I'm spose to be and all I think about is how I don't want to get stuck at a job like this when I'm 40...
nothing wrong with that cause when you out of a small course thats were it makes up for it.
yo I forgot to ad the pic of me hitting a cone.I'll get it up tomorrow
I came in 3rd in NSM2(Novice street modified two seater)It was a fun day and I was in 2nd the whole day until my buddy beat my time his last run in his S2000.
WOW man that sucks I'm kind of going threw the same thing.Not the whole being with someone for 9 years but I feel my girlfriend is changing.She use to be sweat and all but now shes becoming someone I don't like as much.
Anyways I'm sorry to hear man but you are smart trying to get the supra...
yup a lot more people by me know what they are now and they even know what a 7M is and that a 2J could swap into it.But theres still a bunch of dumb ass's who think my car is a 240.
How can you read a tune on the internet?If this was sf I would be a dick and instigate but were on sm were you learn things so I'll keep my cool.Stop fighting guys it's no big deal.
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