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  1. OneJArpus

    91 supra totaled, fix it?

    I say, find a clean shell. Throw your interior and motor in it. Upgrade with what you have left over and be done with that shell. Clean or not its crashed. It wont be the same after.
  2. OneJArpus

    1JZ GT40R Build...

    What oil filter relocation kit do you have? Im curious as i have an RX7 cooler but i dont have it installed yet.
  3. OneJArpus

    Wont Crank after fuel pump install

    why is your ECU in the engine bay? Just wondering that
  4. OneJArpus

    to get or not to get Ksport Coilovers

    i've got well over 1600 miles on them now still feeling good about them
  5. OneJArpus

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    First fav 2nd Fav - this was at 9 PM with exposure at 4 seconds.
  6. OneJArpus

    Suggestions for my new 1j

    i'm enjoying my 1J. I have all you listed minus 2j map or 440's + injectors. I'm at about 13/14 PSI and it pulls hard. I'm hoping to get it dyno'd soon so i know what i'm making. I have a walbro and in the car i can't hear it so much but outside of teh car i can hear it. its a loud pump but...
  7. OneJArpus

    Possibly selling my Supra...

    But we aren't talking about your car for 6K are we? :) Thats because you are IJ the Grumpy Old Man. =P (Althought i feel the same way with all cars except this one supra i put more in this than any. All others are a loss unless i can make something from it.) I say sell it. Its a good...
  8. OneJArpus

    1jz to 2jz swap

    What happens if you do all that work switching to 2J and it doesn't run right? they don't make a 3j to try next. JK! But seriously. Try to figure out what is wrong the with 1J first. If you still want to swap then go ahead.
  9. OneJArpus

    Disappointing Dyno

    damn i purchased mine used from a member :( HKS 264's. Could i get this from HKS?
  10. OneJArpus

    Is it me or do I have a leak? Boost related

    well found out i had a boost leak. IC pipe popped off right at the throttle body. OMFG! When i put it on nice and tight and took it for a spin. I expected 9/10 psi like usual. This bitch creates 10 lbs instantly and then goes to 14 by 3500 omg! What a fucking thrill! I ended up driving for...
  11. OneJArpus

    Don't let this happen to you!

    my car sat for 3 yrs with me and another 2 to 3 with previous owner with 3/4 tank. Gas was still good. Thats really bad.
  12. OneJArpus

    License Plate in front of IC

    You'll be fine. I on the other hand bent my plate to fit the front of my pre89 bumper and flow with it so its not blocking it lol. Althought i have teh stock grill there to keep the sleeper look
  13. OneJArpus

    Is it me or do I have a leak? Boost related

    This is why i made this thread. I have an autometer boost gauge *mechanical* and it goes to 10 by redline. Im not 100% sure as if im full throttle i never really look at my bost gauge. My friend looked for me. I was just curious as to why im only boosting at 8/9 at like 4/5k and by...
  14. OneJArpus

    Is it me or do I have a leak? Boost related

    Ok, mods listed below minus the install of the cams. I'm only boosting at 10 psi. I figured i would be boosting more considering that is stock boost. How can i test my system to see if it is holding the boost?
  15. OneJArpus

    1j swap havin some problems

    Late 86 to mid 87 = 1987 late 87 to early 88 = 88 or something of that nature
  16. OneJArpus

    Brakes, Rotors, Calipers, ETC

    replace what you need too then upgrade if your brake system isn't up to par. Also flush your fluid with something good.
  17. OneJArpus

    BPU 1JZ VS Maserati

    Ok, so i'm on my way home on a local free way which i love to race on every so often. I see HID's in the rear view and i think its a BMW or something. He was going pretty fast and looked like he was racing someone else but it was losing. I Downshifted to 3rd and waited til he was about 4/5 cars...
  18. OneJArpus

    to get or not to get Ksport Coilovers

    Mine seem to be ok but i've been driving on them for about 3 weeks now. About 600 miles or so. So time will only tell