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  1. Justin

    hmm thinging of these in distent future

    that, and the fact there's no dish are the only two downfalls. Other than that, they look awesome, I really like that style.
  2. Justin

    question about in dash dvd

    I had the Eclipse AVN7000 in my car, and the Alpine IVA-D310 they both fit. The Eclipse fit better than the Alpine but they both fit well enough to make me happy :)
  3. Justin

    Help with my girlfriends old Ford Escort

    Its a 98 and she just sold it to her sister. the car always ran great when she owned it but recently its started idling like shit and dying at stop lights.... I was thinking a dirty MAF? anyone have any other ideas? there are no codes ( no check engine light ) but about 3 months or so...
  4. Justin

    My Rep Power Just Went Way Up And I Don't Know How

    I just showed everyone how positive rep works.....
  5. Justin

    Anyone seen this one around?

    I really really really like those wheels.
  6. Justin

    $700 Surround Sound + Dog = BAD

    man, your pets are all mean an stuff... but i'm tellin you, my cat would blow your pet the fuck up. Its hosted off myspace, if it doesn't work just lemme know :p
  7. Justin

    How do you get into

    That's the thing, I'm 99.9% sure its NOT open to the public.
  8. Justin

    How do you get into

    its a show in vegas where all the new electronics for the new year are revealed. Its lots of fun, I would imagine.
  9. Justin

    How do you get into

    CES? I'd like to know if there's a legit way to get in? I'd be flying down from Washington so I need to makek sure I can actually get in...
  10. Justin

    need new(er) sub suggestions

    Anything JL is awesome, in my opinion... I have a single 10W6V2 and absolutely love it. No, I don't have pictures cuz Its not finished yet, but once it is I'll post lots. I'm proud of it :) Everything is installed and the box is done, but I need to create a few more thigngs.
  11. Justin

    need new(er) sub suggestions

    If you wanna go with an 8 I'd recommend a Kicker L5/L7 8. The nice thing about the basslink is you don't have to worry about a big enclosure, mounting the amp, all that shit, you just screw the basslink down, hook up your RCA's/Power/Ground/Remote and you're done.
  12. Justin

    Gauging Interest in GB Accordian Hose "Hardpipe" Replacement

    Depending on price.... also, it'd be great if we could have an option of one, two, or no nipples....
  13. Justin

    need new(er) sub suggestions

    Have you looked into an Infinity bass-link? Probably the only infinity thing I would recommend, but If I didn't have a complete false floor I would have gone that route... Self powered, Great sound, small, light....
  14. Justin


    Do these really work like they do in the movies? Does the gun really sound like that? How do they screw in? is the barrel threaded inside? Does it reduce kick like it appears to? Can they be had for a Glock 19 or 21? on a side note, holy shit, the glock 19 can hold a clip of 33 rounds!
  15. Justin

    Post pics of your headunit

    Upper Level Pioneer + IPod Interface = FTW
  16. Justin

    ROTM: NOVEMBER - Enter now before it's too late!!!

    Funny you say that, I just got back from a baby oil wrestling party :p
  17. Justin

    How long do u idle your car before driving it?

    Till the temp gauge reaches nominal temp. I have remote start so its no bigge really.... if i dont' let it get all the way up then it'll stumble really bad. Dunno why, might be a VPC thing but whatever :)
  18. Justin

    Post pics of your headunit

    Great radio, I'm a big fan of it. I have the 9800BT myself. I will post pictures if I ever remember to get some :)
  19. Justin

    so just another nock off or something have decent - i just liek the colour--LOL

    That's identical to the one I bought that's a no namer. Cept mine doesn't say HKS. MVP made one that's filtered an shit on the inside so apparently it holds in the vapor better or something... I really dunno but its supposed to be better. Just fyi :)