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  1. Justin

    Wierd humming noise...

    hey man, don't even worry about it, as soon as you get those speakers in you won't even be able to hear it ;)
  2. Justin

    LED help (not automotive)

    Google LED calculator for use with the battery... it'll tell you the optimal way to wire up 12 LEDs with a DC circuit. An AC circuit would need a.... the word escapes me at the moment... but a circuit to drop down from 120 AC to (X) DC
  3. Justin

    RC Injectors

    The PL means low impedance, according to RC. Other than that I'm still waiting to hear back :)
  4. Justin


    Where can I buy an asshat? It'd be a great gift for a guy at work. WHERE!
  5. Justin

    I am no longer a Supra owner

    Don't do that, it'll just get stolen :p
  6. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    haha, thanks. the space bar started working now... its wierd, alt, ctrl, enter, space, arrow keys, etc will randomly stop working... its kinda wierd. anyway... i think its pretty funny it got stolen... no one can figure out why. I had a decent pioneer cd player in there (face is still on my...
  7. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

  8. Justin

    Bloody Avatar Explained

    You're sure into that icon today.
  9. Justin

    WTF? NA Spec Stage 3

    My winter car got stolen this morning so I had to drive the supra to work an back... On my way back I got on it a little bit... 1st and 2nd I was just roasting the tires, then I hit 3rd and the speedo went WAY down and the rpms went way the fuck up... heheh, UH OH! I tried it about a mile...
  10. Justin

    What pisses you off?

    People that steal my car.
  11. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    Yes. I took pictures a few days ago. Its a beauty. I can see why someone would wanna steal it!!!!!
  12. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    the only thing that really irks me about it is now I cannot put the supra up and do whatever I watn to it over the winter cuz i have to drive it.... I bet the cops will find it but I'll definatly make a little money off it if insurance pays out... I'm not sure what I'd rather have :p other...
  13. Justin

    RC Injectors

    Yeah I jsut got off the phone with them. I'm going to send them down anyway to get them cleaned, better safe than sorry. I imagine they'd work, but they are definatly different than the ones in the picture.
  14. Justin

    RC Injectors

    HmMMMMMMm, Those have a different part number.... these came off a running supra... I wonder if they're safe to use or not though....
  15. Justin

    RC Injectors

    Can someone post up a picture of their RC 550s? I just bought a set from a member (Great shipping/price/ect) but they look different from the ones I used to have on the 88T... The numbers on them are.... PL8-550 D1151AA 0572 They just LOOK different I'm not sure if they even...
  16. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    I walk out and was thinking to myself.... I thought I parked my car over there... I guess its behind the truck.... NOPE. Yeah it does suck, If I figure out who did it I'll make sure they learn to respect others proporty but at the same time... Its not that big of a deal. Hpefully...
  17. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    I bought an 86 Honda Civic for my winter car. It was a beater hardcore. No Bumpber an stuff. I go outside this morning to go to work and its gone.... ahahaha. I actually laughed. Its kinda funny. I had full coverage on it cuz it was 15 bucks for 6 months.... I wonder how much...
  18. Justin

    Do lowering springs wear out?

    hah, thanks! Yeah, the price is DEFINATLY right, I hope I'm first inline for 'em :)
  19. Justin

    Might get a lexus IS350

    They're definatly awesome looking cars! It would look badass next to the supra ;)