I get alot of questions about WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!?!
So here it is, It happened 2 years ago I think...
The nail...
We were doing some demo at what is know our current office. We had my truck in the building and were rocking out to some 80's shit, just going to town with sledge hammers, out feet whatever we could get our hands on to break stuff
I was taking down a stud wall that was 14ft tall. So I was knocking the bottoms out and pulling them down. I had a bad feeling so I asked a coworker to hold it as I hit it so it didn't fly away out of control. So I take a wack, and bust the bottom out!!! Then out of no where I get hit in the head (no hardhat...) I reached to grab my head and noticed a board was stuck to it. The top 2ft had broke off and was now hanging off my head by a nail. Reflex took over and I pulled it out and the blood came a pouring. It didn't penetrate my skull luckily, but it was still 2.5 inches of nail
I immediately hustled downstairs where some other coworkers were that just so happend to be volunteer firefighters and they took over the scene. They sat me down and applied pressure to it. It didn't hurt but I was losing a lot of blood. I kept asking them to let me go to sleep They wouldn't let me of course!
So the real firefighters show up and wrap my head up in prepareation for my first ride in an ambulance!! It was an interesting ride, sitting there looking out the back at other drivers.
So I arrive in the ER and they lay me down and a nurse helps me remove my clothes . I sit there for a while watching the discovery channel and a buddy who came along suggested to the nurse that I was in alot of pain (I wasn't really though) Shot in the ass and 30 seconds later I was in a very happy place!
I then go up stairs to get a cat scan, its really wierd to be wheeled around when you know you could easily walk. It was just like the movies!! So they bring me back to my room to watch more tv...
An hour passes and they finally decide to do something, they walk me to a room to clean the wound. No big deal I'm thinking, WRONG!! The put this little suction cup thing on it and forced all this shit in there. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life. I almost passed out... After that they made me sit it a small room and I started feeling sick and dizzy. I tell my bud I'm going to go puke, he's like "aight". I remember walking out of the room, next thing I know I'm laying in the hallway of the ER. Not sure how long I was there exactly. I got up, looked around (no one noticed...) and continued on to the puke room. Nothing... Couldn't puke. Went back to the room and waited.
Finally they stitch me up and send me away with a perscription for drugs I can see how people get hooked.
First stop, Jack n the Box!!
Boss was nice enough to give me the next day off. I had a hard time with short term memory for about 3 months. Concussion and stitches, thats it!! I was very lucky.
So thats the story of the bloody pic.
Cliffs: Board with nail > Nate
Nate = Owned
So here it is, It happened 2 years ago I think...

The nail...
We were doing some demo at what is know our current office. We had my truck in the building and were rocking out to some 80's shit, just going to town with sledge hammers, out feet whatever we could get our hands on to break stuff
I was taking down a stud wall that was 14ft tall. So I was knocking the bottoms out and pulling them down. I had a bad feeling so I asked a coworker to hold it as I hit it so it didn't fly away out of control. So I take a wack, and bust the bottom out!!! Then out of no where I get hit in the head (no hardhat...) I reached to grab my head and noticed a board was stuck to it. The top 2ft had broke off and was now hanging off my head by a nail. Reflex took over and I pulled it out and the blood came a pouring. It didn't penetrate my skull luckily, but it was still 2.5 inches of nail
I immediately hustled downstairs where some other coworkers were that just so happend to be volunteer firefighters and they took over the scene. They sat me down and applied pressure to it. It didn't hurt but I was losing a lot of blood. I kept asking them to let me go to sleep They wouldn't let me of course!
So the real firefighters show up and wrap my head up in prepareation for my first ride in an ambulance!! It was an interesting ride, sitting there looking out the back at other drivers.
So I arrive in the ER and they lay me down and a nurse helps me remove my clothes . I sit there for a while watching the discovery channel and a buddy who came along suggested to the nurse that I was in alot of pain (I wasn't really though) Shot in the ass and 30 seconds later I was in a very happy place!
I then go up stairs to get a cat scan, its really wierd to be wheeled around when you know you could easily walk. It was just like the movies!! So they bring me back to my room to watch more tv...
An hour passes and they finally decide to do something, they walk me to a room to clean the wound. No big deal I'm thinking, WRONG!! The put this little suction cup thing on it and forced all this shit in there. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt in my life. I almost passed out... After that they made me sit it a small room and I started feeling sick and dizzy. I tell my bud I'm going to go puke, he's like "aight". I remember walking out of the room, next thing I know I'm laying in the hallway of the ER. Not sure how long I was there exactly. I got up, looked around (no one noticed...) and continued on to the puke room. Nothing... Couldn't puke. Went back to the room and waited.
Finally they stitch me up and send me away with a perscription for drugs I can see how people get hooked.
First stop, Jack n the Box!!
Boss was nice enough to give me the next day off. I had a hard time with short term memory for about 3 months. Concussion and stitches, thats it!! I was very lucky.
So thats the story of the bloody pic.
Cliffs: Board with nail > Nate
Nate = Owned