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  1. 91Supra313

    leezy from tn

    Should come out this wayto Clarksville sometime. We have a few Supras out here. Currently working on getting my 90 with a 2JZGTE running. long story on that one. shoot me a text sometime 931-249-5018
  2. 91Supra313

    Is it Possible to swap Valve Covers?

    lol hence the reason for getting it running first. I am about to put this thing for sale and get a new one and start from scratch. Damn PO screwed us on this one. Well, him and the shop that did this so called swap.
  3. 91Supra313

    Tn Supra Owners Registry

    Is there anyone in or near the Nashville, Clarksville area that owns a Supra, any year with a 2JZGTE in it, I am trying to double check my vac lines, and possibly troubleshoot some items. I am brand new to the JZ world, and a few people that know about them are a little too busy at the moment.
  4. 91Supra313

    Is it Possible to swap Valve Covers?

    IMO it looks cleaner with the non VVTi covers. I personally like the look of the non VVTi spark plug cover. I would just get them powder coated and call it a day. Which is what I will be doing if I ever get this 2ZJ up and running.
  5. 91Supra313

    2JZGTE Vac lines

    I have a diagram, but since everything in here is a mess, I could really use some help over the phone or if someone that owns a 1 or 2J is local.....I just need vac lines done and then we can start it. Basically starting from scratch with the routing and there is an AFPR and after market BOV on...
  6. 91Supra313

    removing 2JZGTE harness

    yeah sorry man, it is off and the new one is on but there are a few connectors that hvy is trying to help us out with and I have to reroute these vacuum lines.....damn PO didn't have hardly anything done right at the shop.
  7. 91Supra313

    Connector Identification 2JZ-GTE

    I had them on my previous Supra but I just got this one about a month and a half ago and the wiring was so screwed up I had to wait on a custom harness from Tweak'd. So I have never had to use the reverse lights on it. lol none yo bisness I usually do as well....BUT, we have a streetlight at...
  8. 91Supra313

    Connector Identification 2JZ-GTE

    To be honest I could care less about reverse lights since I have no inspections to worry about. All connectors are fingered out, now I am trying to figure out this mess of a vacuum line setup. There is an AFPR, aftermarket BOV. Other then that the motor is stock. So I have to figure out where...
  9. 91Supra313

    car wont boost over 10psi?1jzgte

    So where is the line that comes from the waste gate hooked up? where is the line from the turbo housing hooked up? If those are not hooked up in the right area then the boost controller does nothing but look good.
  10. 91Supra313

    Clear markers: Are they all equal?

    I have used the ebay ones on a few cars and they work just fine. No problems in the 5 years I had used them.
  11. 91Supra313

    Connector Identification 2JZ-GTE

    hvy when you get a free minute could you give me a ring....931-249-5018 my name is Jim and you seem to know a metric shit ton more then us about this stuff. Thanks brother.
  12. 91Supra313

    Connector Identification 2JZ-GTE

    Just got our harness from Tweak'd and unable to contact him. Need to figure out where this connector goes.
  13. 91Supra313

    2jzgte swap in a 87 supra

    I was going to do a swap in my 88 but decided not to since the cost of parts was beyond sky high.....At least 2k for the motor and another 3k in random parts and a harness......Then add the bonus of busted knuckles, and alot of cussing..... We just decided to buy one with it done and change what...
  14. 91Supra313

    removing 2JZGTE harness

    Why would I have to remove the injectors? I can see removing the throttle body....cuz I had to to get that tangled mess out from behind it.
  15. 91Supra313

    removing 2JZGTE harness

    I got most of it out but it seems to be crammed in between the firewall and the back of the intake. Exactly where the first bend is after it leaves the firewall. Everything else is disconnected. Rakkasan I will give you a call when I get out of work.
  16. 91Supra313

    removing 2JZGTE harness

    Getting this finished hopefully this afternoon once I get out of work. So, MARIO......or anyone else that is local.....if you have a clue on how to remove that harness without taking off parts of the motor.....chime in please. Advice from anyone is helpful, and if you are local and can swing by...
  17. 91Supra313

    Mk3 supra carrier Bearing

    NO never......lmao What made the comment even better was the "sometimes" that was added in there. I have yet to find one thing that is reasonably priced from a dealership. Glad it took care of the problem. I will check back in a few weeks and see how the thing is holding up.
  18. 91Supra313

    Mk3 supra carrier Bearing

    Don't get me wrong I'm sure it is a great product....And it really was a good find. I just want to see someone test it out first before I buy it.