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  1. 91Supra313

    hey what is up new MK3 owner about a little more info on the car other then the fact that it is an 88. What motor? Any mods? How many miles? Condition of the car, interior exterior.....What are your plans for the future of this thing? Oh and also..... :ttiwwp:
  2. 91Supra313

    WHERE to buy flux for soldering wire

    I was in 69E in Virginia Beach. Gen shop. All we did was solder. All of the shops around us when on shore soldered. I never knew a single shop while deployed that used crimps....Regardless this is starting to stray from the OP's topic. Let's drop this whole one is better then the other stuff...
  3. 91Supra313

    WHERE to buy flux for soldering wire

    I was an Aviation Electrician in the Navy, and we did not crimp a single thing. I worked on every different type of aircraft the Navy flew....They taught us to never crimp because it stands a very small chance of being pulled loose. Even if it never happens, there is that one small chance. We...
  4. 91Supra313

    aeromotive FPR Location question

    Mine is bolted in the middle of the upper intake manifold. If you need, I can snap some pics tomorrow morning and get them to you. Just shoot me an email,
  5. 91Supra313

    Fire in the engine bay :(

    Sorry to hear about it. Hope everything cleans up like it was before if not better. :ttiwwp:
  6. 91Supra313

    WHERE to buy flux for soldering wire

    I used to solder crap when I was in the Navy, and my habits carried over with it....try using the flux free kind over at Radio Shack. I have 3 spools of it in the shed. Might be a bit more price wise but when you consider having to get the paste and anything else....
  7. 91Supra313


    ......are you just trying to build up your post count for something special or is there a hidden meaning somewhere in your posts? Because to me it seems you are like a newbie trying to get his post count up....Just to clarify, I didn't talk shit about honda forums, Alot of honda owners think...
  8. 91Supra313


    Ok can we get back on topic on this one? Some ridiculous things have been said blah blah blah..... Grant it, it was a rather ( I don't want to call it dumb, but if the shoe fits ) weird comment from the OP, but we are here to help each other. Not sit here all night and talk shit about...
  9. 91Supra313

    2JZ swap, no CEL start. It tries and tries and tries but just like the NFL replacement refs.....useless. Now that I got that out of my system.....
  10. 91Supra313


    Being buff and handsome doesn't get your car fixed....unless you find a chick that knows more about the car then you. As far as the aftermarket alarm goes, if it was malfunctioning, there would be some other problems with it. I had an aftermarket alarm on my JDM Supra and it was making that...
  11. 91Supra313

    2JZ swap, no CEL

    So we have a 1990 with a 2JZGTE in it. Got a custom harness from Tweak'd, and there was a CEL before the harness went in, but now there isn't one. Am I missing something?
  12. 91Supra313

    Need help asap with brake booster

    I have one more hose to connect before I can try and get this 2J running. There is a larger diameter hose running from the top of the brake booster. I can't remember for the life of me where this goes. There is no 7MGTE in this car. It is a 1990 with a 2JZGTE in it.
  13. 91Supra313

    German 1JZ powered R32 Skyline

    All I can say is make sure we get lots of pics, and good luck! Changing a Toyota harness from one model to another is hard enough. I can't imagine trying from Toyota to Nissan. I just don't see why they went for a 1JZ and not the RB26
  14. 91Supra313

    hoping to get back into the supra game...

    AMEN! I got out of the military in 2010 on a medical discharge....I had a bitch of a time trying to get a job. Verteran status my ass. Nobody is hiring..... They don't care if you have a masters degree in ass kissing, or are retired military. You need to focus more on saving what you can right...
  15. 91Supra313

    Cluster issues

    I just took my old 88 and put it into my 90 and it was fine. Then I had some problems with the engine harness and had to have one custom made, so i decided to go back to the old 1990 cluster. When I was stationed in Germany I had a 1987 and I put a 1992 cluster into it. The plugs on the back of...
  16. 91Supra313

    Getting Another Supra..... Finally!!!

    Well, I got some good news for you if you want to arrange for shipping.....I have a close friend here ( well 30 minutes away ) that has a 2JZ 90% complete, and wants $700 for it. I know it needs a harness, and cam gears for sure. I have a spare R154, and a rear sump oil Damn near...
  17. 91Supra313

    Front Suspension top spring seat

    Hell that should only be a few bucks for shipping.
  18. 91Supra313

    Front Suspension top spring seat

    I am changing out the suspension in this newer 2J supra with the old stuff from my 7M. I have someone local that wants the spring but if you want to just pay for the shipping, then I will ship you the mounts. Providing you are in need of the pillow mounts. All I would be doing is throwing them...
  19. 91Supra313

    Supra owners of MI

    Hey man, get ahold of me and maybe I can help ya out. I grew up there in Detroit, and have family in the downriver area. I visit there quite often so.... 313-586-4364 is my house number ( Vonage ) my cell for texts are 931-249-5018
  20. 91Supra313

    2JZGTE Vac lines

    Sorry I log on here and see there are a few threads to look at and get caught up doing something else and then close this out. When I come back and open Supramania up again, there is nothing new so I always miss new posts. The wife ( thank her car loving soul ) found a damn good diagram of the...