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  1. Figit090

    BHG --> NO More

    *doesn't. i know its a supra but try not to think that way ;) :p cool. yeah...i wish i had one. (turbo) you'll get over the sketchy part...eventually.
  2. Figit090

    AP Calculus AB test...

    i doubt that will happen at my school*...we dont have that many 89's (or extra calcs for students for that matter) that i know of....small school...and i would notice that. (*high school)
  3. Figit090

    AP Calculus AB test...

    I'm about to take it I have a ti-89 are the administrators supposed to check for apps and such? (to have us clear the apps ram) because if not...there's some pretty helpful stuff out there i think i might download for notes. of course I'd have to budget my time if i needed them...but maybe...
  4. Figit090

    Just Bought a mr2

    hahaha, niceness! great place to start! and yeah from what i've heard you dont want powersteering. with such a light front end i doubt you'll have a hard time getting used to it though. dont forget its going to act a lot different than a supe if you loose the rear in a corner!
  5. Figit090

    I'm out of the Supra game.... finally (56k may take a few...)

    haha, niceness. i almost bought one of those...well...wanted to. it needs work but its a pretty cool car! how much did you pay for it, if you dont mind? any plans? with some proper prep i hear those engines can really put out...but you have to be careful. the 80's electronic gizmo's...
  6. Figit090

    Oil thru Plugs!? What?!

    well i guess you solved it... but if it wasnt the valve covers the only other place it could logically come from would be the oil vent pipe that connects to the throttle body itself...or some part/hose up in that area.
  7. Figit090

    Non-Supra Related Timing Chain-240sx

    makes sence, thanks.
  8. Figit090

    BHG --> NO More

    congrats...awesome feeling isn't it? VSV's...those annoyed me. i bolted on my intake and then realised one wasnt bolted on along with it. NA or turbo?
  9. Figit090

    3rd times teh charm!

    haha. and yeah...again...i have to say...i'd jump up and down if i found a deal like that. then i'd get in the car and offer them the money from the driver's seat just after starting the engine. if i had the money.
  10. Figit090

    Rear ended for the THIRD time this year :(

    keep that bumperand tack it up in your garage... battle trophy. lol.
  11. Figit090

    Honda CB 360 - any good?

    he said a bill of sale...not sure about a title of if thats the same thing or not. it was last registered in 2003 and is still under the previous owner's name. i'll look on that again wheni get home, right now i'm just not sure.
  12. Figit090

    Non-Supra Related Timing Chain-240sx

    not to steal the show, but i'm guessing interference motor means the valves will smack the piston/eachother if the timing chain snaps....right? if so, are any of the supra motors interference motors? i mainly want to know about the 7m since i have one, but if someone knows info on the jz's i'm...
  13. Figit090

    3rd times teh charm!

    lucky ASS!! j/k damn good deal. my jaw would have dropped if i had heard that price...anything wrong with it? well i'd give you tips on things to once-over like the HG but since its your third supe you should know what you're doing by now. beautiful car, great find! you just made me...
  14. Figit090

    Rear ended for the THIRD time this year :(

    nab her!!! no scratches on your car? thats almost a could have gotten paid! but then again it would be more work than its worth. glad u and your car made it allright.
  15. Figit090

    Cooling Problem? or bad HG?

    don't feel to bad. i'm busy now but will post later. all is not lost!
  16. Figit090

    Honda CB 360 - any good?

    lol...apparently. well i cant get it. i thought my parents were cool with it but i guess not.
  17. Figit090

    Honda CB 360 - any good?

    ok, he said he'd let it go for 75 dollars... can anybody estimate maybe how much this might cost to fix up? sandblast and paint stuff...and again he said it needs a starter and a battery..but not much else. maybe after i fix it up a bit i could sell it and possibly make some money? its...
  18. Figit090

    flood cars...stay away?

    lol.... that'd be cool.. swap in my 7m, get a 7mgte for the supe...rebuild both. i'd be in heaven to bad i'm not rich.
  19. Figit090

    Honda CB 360 - any good?

    what can you tell me about the precess? i'm in California if that makes any difference. i was thinking i'd get it, oil it up a bit/remove rust and then work on it this summer, so i wouldnt want it registered to RIDE right face i want to avoid any payements that i can until i have...