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  1. Figit090

    Face to names

  2. Figit090

    oh my god...these chips...are...amazing

    damn.... thats high. when you fly high enough up to be considered an know you're high. its sad, i read one of the notable flights (a death) and it was depressing... i know thats what test pilots do and all, and tons of it happen, but just how he was in contact and people...
  3. Figit090

    oh my god...these chips...are...amazing

    as far as i know.... some dork on the xbox forum is selling a bag on ebay....not sure why... maybe they're ultra rare. not sure? i'll have to check tomorrow. ---edit; that jet is pretty awesome by the way....Vert. take off/landing. that would be scary.
  4. Figit090

    oh my god...these chips...are...amazing

    lol. see my point? yeah its one of those you like it / you hate it tastes.
  5. Figit090

    Dear God.... Horse Gore...? ***NWS*** (no boobs, sorry)

    i'm not sure if that makes me sick or not....ive never seen something like that before. dont know what to say.
  6. Figit090

    Face to names

    haha...IJ i never knew!!
  7. Figit090

    oh my god...these chips...are...amazing

    dude...its a revolution. haha....but yeah. theres another thread on some x-box site if you google it. i just thought it was neat...i mean c'mon! a burger chip? tell me something that even comes close.
  8. Figit090

    Who loved the Back to the Future movie more then this guy!

    YEAH!! i totally have been thinking that too! are there any stories behind the similarities? how do you like your VW? i wanted one until i learned they're FWD....not my thing. but yeah i saw one sitting in a parking lot once, and another one painted red that got pulled over by a cop a long...
  9. Figit090

    oh my god...these chips...are...amazing

    yes they are nameless. i'll get a picture up. its a "flavor experiment" (marketing ploy) its amazing how well their idea works dude with a bag at my school got at least 40 people at my school to try them. pretty awesome marketing if you ask me. they taste pretty good... better...
  10. Figit090

    oh my god...these chips...are...amazing

    Doritos X-13D try them. i'm serious. if you want a suprise and want the full "holy crap" effect, dont read below for their flavor (its not on the bag) note; some tasters think they are gross. some think they're amazing. so its controversial, unlike something normal like cheeze. (not my...
  11. Figit090

    A moment of silence.....

    ....:icon_conf ( i get your point dont worry )
  12. Figit090

    Just Bought a mr2

  13. Figit090

    Just Bought a mr2

    niceness. i'd do it. but right now there's a tempting 1978 triumph spitfire near me for 1500 bux.... only thing is a bad looks great.
  14. Figit090

    AP Calculus AB test...

    well i let myself get to the deadline without a lot of study and now i'm just doing whats best to pass. depending on my career/college choices i'll probably study over the summer a bit each day. keep it fresh in my memory... maybe take a course over the summer. not sure. all i care about...
  15. Figit090

    I'm out of the Supra game.... finally (56k may take a few...)

    to me, the rims on some conguests remind me a LOT of toyota supra mkII rims. this car does look like the mkII (widebodys do even more). its a fact. lol.
  16. Figit090

    A moment of silence.....

    wow i'm so sorry this happened at first i read the "R.I.P" and then saw "cygnus" and instantly felt like shit thinking he got killed. thankfully read it quick enough to figure out what really happened, and i'm glad he's ok. I agree with the idea of donating to fund another car for him...
  17. Figit090

    Buffing the Supra this weekend?

    great thread, i was just looking into doing this.
  18. Figit090

    I'm out of the Supra game.... finally (56k may take a few...)

    i agree....put the camero below the conquest and why r u making the mkIII that low? joke i guess. lol.
  19. Figit090

    Just Bought a mr2

    how much you pay for it?
  20. Figit090

    AP Calculus AB test...

    allright, thanks guys, sadly i'm not that great at calc but i'll study a lot tonight and i think i'll do allright... i actually dont mind taking calc over again to get it reinforced, because this year wasnt the best for me and senoritis kinda hit. but yeah... i might post another thread about...