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  1. OneJArpus

    88 Supra - Project 1J

    Small update mounted my IC and 95% of my piping. I have to finish up the turbo side of it. Add the BOV there or now. Once its completely mocked up and ready i am going to have it all tig welded together and have the BOV moved right next to the throttle body. I hooked up some misc vacuum hoses...
  2. OneJArpus

    GT72 turbo kit and HKS 264 cams....Low idling???

    from what i hear, when the car is warmed up adjust the idle to 1K. With cams you should not be below that. BUT thats only from what i hear
  3. OneJArpus

    Anyone try this LW flywheel yet, opinions?

    ^Also true, Alot of products come from there. Phones, clothes etc.... :) Some are junk tho. but not all items. I hate the sterio typical crap :) I <3 ebay cuz its the place to find wha tyou want at a better price
  4. OneJArpus

    Just wanted to say what everyone is thinking...

    Yep! I've done that.
  5. OneJArpus

    Change your engine in 40 seconds not 3 hours.... Not fake.

    BS lol no matter how "real" it may look
  6. OneJArpus


    Fix it! If you think that is bad i knocked a motor after 3 months of a 3 yr project. Fix it spend the little extra cash needed. you'll be happy. I thought about selling my car good thing i didnt.
  7. OneJArpus

    World's most beautiful garages

    LOL a friend of mine was showing me this. We were going through all the pages a few days ago. Great stuff
  8. OneJArpus

    1.5jz oilfeed drilling and tapping GE block

    ^^Correct he is. Get a sandwhich adapter. I'm currently using this method. The feed line i have is a tad short so i went under the front timing belt cover
  9. OneJArpus

    Identify these 2 plugs on my 1JZ please

    it comes bare plug, two terminals, and two seals. You have to pin the connector with wires then solder together. You could possibley ask Dr Tweak to do that for you. I'm just doing it myself. Not too hard to put wire in the terminal then crimp a lil solder for extra insurance the seal put in...
  10. OneJArpus

    Targa vs. Non-Targa - weight & performance

    i've had 2 targa cars one car had 220+K Miles. Creeked like a mofo. My chassis 74K miles no creeks what so ever. No interior pc's make any noise as well. I can feel a slight flex in the 74k chassis. In the 220 OMG i swear i thought the chassis was gonna split into two lol. I've also owned a 90...
  11. OneJArpus

    were you guys ever scared to go WOT on your supra?

    ok maybe not the "next day" but 2 weeks later i found one locally lol, didnt want to have it shipped. lol PS i'll probably be scared with my new setup lol so i wont fully say "NOPE" yet lol. For now its NOPE lol
  12. OneJArpus

    How rare is my car?

    TRU! including the looks of mine :'( - hopefully that will change this winter :) :) :)
  13. OneJArpus

    How rare is my car?

    TAKE IT DONT SELL IT. Its a beauty man! Then we can meet up some time for a cruise lol
  14. OneJArpus

    were you guys ever scared to go WOT on your supra?

    Nope. I love WOT :) I drive my cars hard. Anyone who knows me can vouch for this. Supra or not its going WOT frequent lol. Only "shocked" moment i had was knocking my 1J after going WOT from dig to 135 hitting the limiter every gear. Once that was done it started to knock and badly! LOL. I...
  15. OneJArpus

    How rare is my car?

    Besides the year its not "that" rare but rare non the less. If it was a 92 Sunroof 5sp with shadow gray (darker then yours) then it would be HELLA rare. Clean supra ;) weird how your car has side skirts and no rear or front addons PS is that the one for sale in wayne for 6500?
  16. OneJArpus

    Identify these 2 plugs on my 1JZ please

    Its not too hard if you want, when i wire mine up i'll take pics and send them to you to help.
  17. OneJArpus

    1jz injector upgrade.

    would have sold u my 2jzge rail for cheap lol
  18. OneJArpus

    Identify these 2 plugs on my 1JZ please

    see post #3?, its not hard and its simple wiring. The other brown and white wires looks like another cam sensor unless im missing something
  19. OneJArpus

    Identify these 2 plugs on my 1JZ please

    LOL, i did the same thing. It is the cam position sensor. Dr. Tweak sells them brand new i just got mine in a few days ago. Don't forget the terminals and seals.