Search results

  1. MK3.0dudeman

    european rear end?

    ^^yo chris your car looks sexy as hell.To bad it's not sleeper LOL.Now do you really want a euro rear?
  2. MK3.0dudeman

    crazy arabs **lol***

    ^^he broke it the last time he did this
  3. MK3.0dudeman

    european rear end?

    ewwww I would never and I hope no one on hear has done that unless there car came with it. USDM FTW!
  4. MK3.0dudeman

    Car up and dies (no lights, hazards, any electrical)

    replays the terminals and if anything just get a new ground. your idle problem is because the e.c.u. reseted and is trying to relearn everything and than after a it runs for awhile and you go for a nice drive it idles fine right? just a little fix will do the trick
  5. MK3.0dudeman

    Need your input

    were all glad to help:thumbup: now can we please get pic's of your car.I hope it's teal!!
  6. MK3.0dudeman

    17 year old Supra driver no longer with us, TN

    rest in peace. I'm sorry to hear the bad news.
  7. MK3.0dudeman

    crazy arabs **lol***

    ooo my:sarcasm: crazy arabs and MKIII's make for a good video.The car looked good tho
  8. MK3.0dudeman

    '89 supra road racing

    thats bad ass man.I love that car.Make more videos!!
  9. MK3.0dudeman

    MKIII question

    great guess.It's almost spot on
  10. MK3.0dudeman

    Need your input

    1.)you don't want to go n/a cause a month later you'll have a post saying that you have 1,500 bucks and that you want to go turbo. 2.)you don't want to go N/A!!!!! 3.)for about 1,500 bucks you could rebuild the block put all new seals on and get a mhg with arp head studs and since it...
  11. MK3.0dudeman

    Nomads 7m Win turbo build Pics/Vids

    nice work. whats the deal with the red car now? I also hateTokico illumina idk why I ever got them.O well I'll roll with them will I get coilovers
  12. MK3.0dudeman

    shock/spring HELP

    It's not that hard of a job but I would say do it with a friend or two cause it's most deff a two man job but I guess you could do it by yourself if your crafty enuff.
  13. MK3.0dudeman

    BIC ddp, straight pipe and apex intake

    that sounds like a efffing beast!!:love:I love it and I think cops are going to love it to.
  14. MK3.0dudeman

    Starlet Love

    I love starlets.I never thought that they were good handling cars till I saw this video.I mean I saw a drift video in japan with one but I just thought it was all custom stuff.
  15. MK3.0dudeman

    Has anyone heard about fast track the movie feat a mk3 supra

    I saw this preview befor.The movie looks really dumb but at least theres a MKIII in it.Hopefully some one will make a good movie with a sexy MKIII in it.
  16. MK3.0dudeman

    Ten Inevitable Truths of a Major Project... (stolen from another forum)

    I think it came from a mustang forum cause they say something about mustangs.
  17. MK3.0dudeman

    Reign's back, minus Reign's Angel...

    YOUR SO LUCKY!!!I fucking love milfs!!
  18. MK3.0dudeman

    Ten Inevitable Truths of a Major Project... (stolen from another forum)

    I don't get it neither.I think it's cause I'm so broke that I can't even have a small budget.
  19. MK3.0dudeman

    OMG Best Song About Supras!

    didn't they make a cd?How can I get my hands on all there songs
  20. MK3.0dudeman

    New Guy - DeSloths Aussie MA70 Project (56k Warning)

    WOW Awsome work man.You should pat yourself on the back for all that.I can't wait to see the car when it's all done. should start making a group buy for tho's moldings.I bet you people would pay big bucks for them.