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  1. Justin

    Online Riddle? How far can you get?

    I'm on friggin four. One took me a while cuz I wasn't paying close enough attention. Two and three were very easy.
  2. Justin

    AFPR/FPD Bypass fitting question

    Thanks guys. Can the crush washer be re-used, or should I pull it off (assuming its there) and just reuse the copper o ring on there right now? Its pretty new (the copper one)
  3. Justin

    AFPR/FPD Bypass fitting question

    I'm about to put in my new fuel pressure regulator and fuel pulsation dampener bypass... It has those blue fittings on it. Do i need any type of gasket/tape/etc. for those fittings or do I just tighten them down and go?
  4. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    HAH, they're in for serious disapointment. I dunno what was wrong but it was getting pretty poor mileage. *shrug* not my problem anymore :p
  5. Justin

    ROFL: Someone stole my fucking car.

    It was fun to drive. Didn't worry about breaking anything... It was a good time. I did some funny shit to that car. Its been... however long, a week an some, and nothing new. Insurance has had me fill out a bunch of stupid fucking paperwork, but that's about it.
  6. Justin

    Those with two Fuel Pressure gauges...

    Where did you put the sensor for the in cabin one? I just got an aeromotive so I have a gauge on that, but I'd like a gauge in the cabin as well... just wanted to know where everyone else hooks it up at :)
  7. Justin


    Unfortunately that's just on hand tools. their boxes only have a one year warranty. I'm thinking about this guy.
  8. Justin


    While they get you a name they also get a lifetime warranty and a unbelievable quality box. I also am considering a Craftsman Professional box... far over my limit, but not near as bad. Damn near snappy/mac/matco quality.
  9. Justin

    Some R154 Transmission Rebuild In Progress Pictures

    x2 I hate transmissions ;\
  10. Justin


    Input on toolboxs please... Right now I have craftsman box. Just the standard 3 box set, standard runners. I'm looking at a 2 or 3 box set, ball bearing, and a grip latch type of setup. I'm looking to spend upto 1000.00 or so. That rules out Snap-On. I don't have the need for that high of...
  11. Justin

    Stock Fuel Pressure

    33-40 psi, that's an awful big difference. Is there a benifit to 33 or a benifit to 40?
  12. Justin

    Factory Gauge Signal

    Ah shitty you're right. I was going through the TSRM looking at the gauges and there's a lead going right to the ECU. nothing else apears to though. I think I'll just get a little 'y' fitting and screw both sensors into the factory location.... Until get a good relocation kit I guess...
  13. Justin

    Stock Fuel Pressure

    I just got my AFPR in... I have a Walbro, J-Tube bypassed, and the FPD Bypassed. Stock injectors, until I get mine back from RC Eng getting them cleaned. 1. What's stock fuel pressure? 2. What's ideal fuel pressure? What should i set mine at? I searched, but I'm lousy at it and...
  14. Justin

    Help me find the So what you really wanna do is jumper B+ and FP together to do the 12volt mod. Then you can get rid of the relay, and resistor and clean stuff up a bit. Woohoo.
  15. Justin

    Help me find the

    this isn't it either. they're both helpfull, but the one I'm after is much more so....
  16. Justin

    Help me find the

    Thanks man, that's not the one I'm after... It was in color, and said the destination of the wire right on it... and it had the plugs next to it... if I find it I'll post it :)
  17. Justin

    Help me find the

    diagram in the TSRM that shows all the specifics of the fuel pump resistor and relay. wire colors and what they do... I can't find it.
  18. Justin

    Factory Gauge Signal

    I figured that was goign to be an issue. There's a few people that have done it before so I was going to pick their brains. Other than that I figured as much... I just wanna get some more reliable gauges in there :) thanks man.
  19. Justin

    Factory Gauge Signal

    do the sensors feed anything except the gauges? I am planning on removing the factory water temp, oil pressure, fuel level, and volt gauge... Will I run into any issues if I remove the factory senders as well?