Search results

  1. Figit090

    Ever think of selling your mk3?

    haha, cool. and yeah i figured 8k was probably on the low side. with supras it seems they are either worth less than 4k or more than 8k. there is no in between....
  2. Figit090

    Toyota Corona. anybody got info on them?

    how do the 1jz, 2jz, and 7m engines compare in external size and rough dimensions? i'm just curious how each fills the engine bay (without guessing with pics) and how tight a 2jz is in a mkIII. any custom firewall cutting needed? i already know you need a custom job for the 2jz's tranny, so...
  3. Figit090

    marine diesel engine, can it be made to work on land?

    I was wondering, can an engine made for a boat be used on land with a small radiator? it would ROCK if someone knew anything about the Albin AD 2, i'll throw that out there in case anyone does. basically i want to get this 2 cylinder 20hp Albin diesel engine to be usable on land for a little...
  4. Figit090

    My cousin makes the pages of Hot Rod Magazine Aug 07

    i second that. very interested in the story. would be sweet if you could actually scan or get the writing on that one. actually your camera did a good enough job, if the pics were just a hair larger... i'd be fine reading from that. lol.
  5. Figit090

    Ever think of selling your mk3?

    WOW. for one...who the hell bargains for that 50 dollars and walks away? i mean seriously its 8 grand and you're worried about 50 bux? i woulda said fine here's 8k...give me the damn car. did you really break up with someone over a car? just curious...
  6. Figit090

    Playing games at work?

    i have a pretty neat racing sim that will go on a memory stick and play from it. it's called Racer
  7. Figit090


    i was afraid it was a repost...but the date on the vid was a few days ago so i figured i'd give it a try.
  8. Figit090

    What's up MK3 guys and cats?

    hahaha, YES! 10001! that's me!
  9. Figit090


    check this out. stickin it to those streetracers!! by the way, its better because its a honda. i would be a bit sad if it were a car i liked more...because i'd want it. but i think...
  10. Figit090

    Ever think of selling your mk3?

    ahh screw you and your high 4x stock horsepower wonder. it's not like your car and its gauges (that just happen to be in the site logo as i post) MATTER!! foo.:slap: lol:biggrinki ...j/k:runaway: :icon_wink
  11. Figit090

    Toyota Corona. anybody got info on them?

    oh, haha. yeah. probably.
  12. Figit090

    Playing games at work?

    i just got to 1384 on desktop tower defense! first time at it...probably isn't good considering i got position 48782 though...LOL!!! is there a supramania competition group for scores? anybody ever played the tower defense game where you defend against creeps but they have a designated path...
  13. Figit090

    Toyota Corona. anybody got info on them?

    ah, cool. thanks guys. and yeah wiki told me they didnt have 22r's..over here at least. i think. PR's??
  14. Figit090

    Playing games at work?

    LLOL so, how does this proxy idea work? i was hoping for a way to get through my school's proxy or whatever and view blocked stuff but couldnt find a way. now if there was a remote server that sent the websurf back to the computer as a live stream image so the school security system couldnt...
  15. Figit090

    Toyota Corona. anybody got info on them?

    a 1980 toyota corona wagon popped up for sale locally and i dont really want it, but it made me curious because i know about corollas, mr2's, pickups, supras, and such...but... not the corona. good for anything? special in any way? all the above cars seem to have a fearture(s) or certain years...
  16. Figit090

    My cousin makes the pages of Hot Rod Magazine Aug 07

    niiiiice.... i never knew top speed runners needed a push start.. is that just to ease stress on the drivetrain on takeoff because its so powerful, or because it's geared so damn low it would _-------___---_--_-EDIT!! i totally had post lag...sorry. clicked reply and...
  17. Figit090

    Ever think of selling your mk3?

    I keep thinking about selling mine....but i want a turbo. thats my main reason. i have my heart set on a turbo with a jz, or a swap, or just totally throwing out the sportscar (or gt) theme and going with a 4runner. always loved those... but then i walk by with her sitting in the garage and...
  18. Figit090

    Add yourself to the SupraMania Map!

    a pink RHD? i gotta see more pics of that. awesome ----edit, nm i already have. lol. but yeah, neato.