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  1. tte

    Gauging Interest : Godfather Fender Flares Replica

    I will determine the pricing and let you all know...have to work out the mold costs, material and labor on it Cheers, roy
  2. tte

    Gauging Interest : Godfather Fender Flares Replica

    Hi guys, Next year I will be offering Godfather Fender Flares replicas. Will get the molds done in the holidays and pop out the first few. I have also hired a reliable person to help me with my work so I would be able to keep up if not speed things up more with my current products. My...
  3. tte

    is she fat ?

    Lol.. Loki... That is true...Have seen fat chicks wear tight clothing or clothing that show off thier bulging bodies.I dont know but for some fat chicks they sure do have alot of confidence to flaunt thier bodies like that. Cheers, Roy
  4. tte

    my dad told me a story about supras....

    Lol....really looks gay...The light bar is too high up from the roof. I think a more squarer looking n mounted really low on the top would be better and of course a more agressive front bumper with the car lower and change of police colors. Maybe someone could do that in photoshop n send it to...
  5. tte

    attacks on christmas

    Christmas happens in this time of the year...Now people are being told to say "Happy Holidays and not merry christmas... Its People always have to complain about other people's religious beliefs and traditions. I bet if you go to a dominantly Muslim country...
  6. tte

    Tips on Using C/F (attn: duane/tte)

    pm sent.... Cheers, Roy
  7. tte

    Quarters anybody?

    Kewl but yeah....too much free time. Cheers, Roy
  8. tte

    Who Says 7M is Not Reliable????

    If the head is shaven and a not thick enough headgasket was used, that would raise the compression too. Cheers, Roy
  9. tte

    What Can I Do?

    Yeah...same happened to me...some guy from here ripped me. I paypaled him for the regulus tail light covers and of course i filed a complaint with paypal and won but he had no funds in his account. I think his name read Philip Thao.... Cheers, Roy
  10. tte

    attacks on christmas

    Agreed Adjuster... For those who dislike Christmas, they can piss off and stop bitching. Cheers, Roy
  11. tte

    Which BOV?

    I bought the new Blitz BOV and removed the bell mouth outlet and machined an adpator from aluminum to re-route it back to the fromt of the turbo... Cheers, Roy
  12. tte

    computer help

    Sometimes when you move your computer around...the ram module could pop out of the slot...Happened to my computer when I was moving it. Open your computer and check that all the ram memory modules are plugged in good. Cheers, Roy
  13. tte

    is she fat ?

    Yeah... there are guys like that...guys who would screw anything that has a As for the drunk bit, the more drunk you get the more prettier the ugly chicks appear to you...Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder even if you are Cheers, roy
  14. tte

    Holy crap,christmas lights

    Looks okay...didnt like it too much....Very simple to he spent alot on it. Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    Alluminum for exhaust pipes: bad idea?

    Well I did talk to some company a while back about ceramic coating. I think the method they used would work... I can call them and ask them about it. I had it done to my pistons and valves on my first supra. Cheers, Roy
  16. tte

    Alluminum for exhaust pipes: bad idea?

    Would it work with ceramic coated insides for aluminum tubes? cheers, Roy
  17. tte

    What color should I repaint my car

    black n all black cheers, roy
  18. tte

    Oil prices going down? a 1.50 gas???

    Here in the bay area regular is $2.35 and premium is $2.55 Cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    clothes & working out goals

    Doing weights with high repititions makes you lose wieght alot and gain muscle tone. I personally like max. heavy wieghts with low reps. Builds muscle and strength alot. Cheers, Roy
  20. tte

    Supra_Girrl isn't dead!

    Lol...grass Finally the kiwis are back on board... Cheers, Roy