59.809 secs.
How did u guys save the image? I could not access any other IE function until I had to click the ok button. Hence I could not save it.
Lol...I said Suzi because the thread was about her...by sheep enjoyers you mean sheep shaggers...
Yeah, I know....Actually liked Sydney...went to a rugby league game and half of the spectators were kiwis...
Yeah...methanol damages the rubber seals and rubber components of the fuel system if it is used long enough in your car. You can buy the right rubber that is resistant to it.
Months back I had talked to several racing companies here who run methanol.Actually I was told that hot rodders here...
Well if you just get fed up with it all....just make sure your fuel tank is almost empty and put in 1-2 gallons of methanol and it will pass with flying colors.
Then fuel up with normal fuel.
Yeah, one cannot blame religion....Its the people who misuse it.
I once read that in the middle east children were given fake keys made out of tin and promised by thier religious leaders that when they would die for thier religion they had the key to open the gates of heaven.
I agree...
Hmmm must been a short somewhere....When I test my car by hooking up that small wire to the battery and as soon as the engine cranks over i disconnect the small wire it works fine. Do not leave it on when engine starts.
I forgot to tell you...when you do this, leave the key in the cranked...
I want to do the same Rakkasan. I will buy a N/A head and replace the intake cam with the turbo version and replace all the valve seals and probably do the porting and polishing myself.
If I cannot find a good lapping tool I will take to my friend's machine shop to machine it. I know he can...
Damn....speak of the devil....my car jjust started missing at idle today///
I have to check the timing and tps this weekend...All other wires seem intact.
Nice wisdom Larry...
If you are desperate and need the money sell it...you can always buy another one.
If not use it for daily transportation like the others have said.
I would love to have my supra put out over 500hp plus..but I have working on other plans...bigger plans...then when I...
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