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  1. OneJArpus

    1JZ will not drop in- please help

    sweet congrats! Pics pics pics pics! LOl
  2. OneJArpus


    91 always FTW even if it wasn't that clean. Just not rusted to hell or in a accident i'd buy it
  3. OneJArpus

    coil packs

    get OEM or aftermarket OEM ones. I can get em for about 50 bux a coil
  4. OneJArpus

    Horse POWER!

    Looks pretty good.... just get it dyno'd
  5. OneJArpus

    1j Starts but wont idle without throttle+ Idle fixed now engine misfire

    I have a similar issue, at idle .026 gap it has a quick misfire, im going to check on the coils as the plugs are new and see if i need to replace them ugh another 400 down the drain PS i've adjusted the throttle with that little stud/nut combo as i've got cams, it wont hurt anything. It will...
  6. OneJArpus

    Colored Vacuum hoses, who has them?

    go to autozone/advance and pickup regular vac lines. Silicone hose = more money
  7. OneJArpus

    door, hatchback, and targa top seals

    IIRC Champion toyota or Elmhurst toyota. $120/140 for all 4 seals for the targa and 60-80 for hatch seal.
  8. OneJArpus

    Collector Car Insurance

    I just did a quote i have to hand in the papers then i will get the official quote
  9. OneJArpus

    Norwegian mk3 7M Vol 2

    wow nice car man, needs a lip ASAP tho heh Just saw the video. Its awesome! Love it
  10. OneJArpus

    1jz swap project

    There are alot of wires to worry about Supra*13 1. Extend it 18" IIRC 2. Body harness plugs need to be made up so you have a working cluster 3. Alternator wire needs to be extended from alt to fuse box 4. EA2 connector needs to be wired in 5.
  11. OneJArpus

    1JZ will not drop in- please help

    do not jack the rear of the car, i had a similar issue when i did this, the engine would not fully sit in place. I lowered the car and it slide into place with a little help from a friend or two. Keep the car level on the ground and try again
  12. OneJArpus

    XTD Clutch scam!

    alittle salt of the wound ACT > XTD LOL
  13. OneJArpus

    2 issues after 5 speed swap

    You never know til you ask the question.....
  14. OneJArpus

    Front Suspension is crapped :(

    What year is your car i have a used rack n pinion for sale for cheap if u pickup.
  15. OneJArpus

    What do you think about a track being open at night?

    i would be all over it like white on rice
  16. OneJArpus

    1JZ will not drop in- please help

    Try this as this worked with me Put the jack at the tail end of the transmission (where the crossmember is). When the engine is tilted and in the bay while lowering and adjusting leveler jack the jack up til it supports the trans slightly. Then as you are lowering and adjusting make sure...
  17. OneJArpus

    A.B.S Light came on after sitting

    disconnect the module and write down the codes.
  18. OneJArpus

    olschool Apexi Super afc(knob type)

    rpm signal 1 = pin # 17 - i used that for my SAFC and it works
  19. OneJArpus

    2 issues after 5 speed swap

    2. That could be caused by over filling as i've never seen or heard of it happening. Did you put the recommended amount in?
  20. OneJArpus

    Hood strut defect?

    I got my hood & hatch struts from RA and no issues. Its been a few months and ive been opening and closing them both fixing my supra LOL