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  1. MK3.0dudeman

    Englishtown End of the year meet OCT 24th

    damn looks like no etown for this weekend when we do have a etown meet we should make it like a little supra swap meet.bring parts to sell and trade
  2. MK3.0dudeman

    Sad day for the 89

    Glad to hear that everyones ok but its so sad to see such a nice car go down like that.sorry man
  3. MK3.0dudeman

    Supra got new rubber for the first time in 10 years, now with pics of the Supra

    Good pick for tires man i had them on my supra and I had no problems with them and they grip nice to. I just got new rubber today to but its for my del sol.
  4. MK3.0dudeman

    Farting Headlight

    I think it sound so funny lol i watched the video 3 times and i lol'd myself. I say check the ball joints and see if everything is lined up right
  5. MK3.0dudeman

    InvisibleMonkey's 1988 1JZ Single Supra

    Nice car man I remeber seeing this add online.So what are you doing with the black car?
  6. MK3.0dudeman

    Crown Victoria Wheels, Yay or Nay...

    I was thinking the same thing lol I think those look great on a mark three i say yay
  7. MK3.0dudeman

    Englishtown End of the year meet OCT 24th

    you know ill be there like always
  8. MK3.0dudeman


    congrats Duane thats one fast 7M and one pretty supra
  9. MK3.0dudeman

    My Rust-Free Project

    No...after i put the dp in you layed on the floor and was to fat to get up so you had me hand you everything You know i'm the best at gutting cars..hey you have blue interior do you want me to dye it black
  10. MK3.0dudeman

    My Rust-Free Project

    Thanks for not calling me to help you take out the subframe ass hole.Call me later cause my phone broke and I lost my numbers.
  11. MK3.0dudeman

    Limequat's 4.2l I6 Swap

    Real cool build man.Good luck with the rest of it and i'll be watching.
  12. MK3.0dudeman

    Bryan's 1uz twin turbo build

    Very nice. can't wait to see it at the etown what was the grand total?did you stay around 2k?
  13. MK3.0dudeman

    Who got a free MKI?

    wow i wish i could have gotten that
  14. MK3.0dudeman

    Emergency brake shoes and springs

    But what happens if you use it in a emergency?Than you could call it
  15. MK3.0dudeman

    Will my HG seal?

    Thats one hell of a gamble.Take it apart have it decked and to be safe I would get a new gasket if theres oil on it.
  16. MK3.0dudeman

    Another New FFIM might be on the market soon $600

    I think it's a clean oem look and I dig it plus it looks like it would get good air flow but thats just from the looks of it.I'm sure that you could make something to slow better.All tho at about 1,000 bucks I don't think it's worth it.But for 600$ you could better than this ebay one.