Line the back of the stud with the hole in the back of the hub and hit it out with a hammer.The dust sheld might be in the way so you have to take that out of the way.I think thats how you do it.It's been awhile am I leaving anything out?
So I think that this thread and all of supramania needs more custom one off pre 89 bumpers.I'm changing some things on mine but nothing crazy but I think that I might buy a few bumper skins and have a little fun with them.Any buddy got any new pics?
I wouldnt say that.It's one of many skill's out there used by PRO's.The only reson you think it's for amateurs is because it's the e-zest and because it's the first thing everyone dose to make a car go's sideways.But a lot of pro's use it befor entering a turn and it is a good skill.
borhor:it was midnight blue:aigo:What are you crazy:aigo:I would love one of tho's.You just didn't want it cause it wasent homo blue:biglaugh:Well at least your in the market for a supra again.
I WOULD KILL FOR A ALL STOCK SILVIA!!!!:love::love::love::love:
great car man
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