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  1. MK3.0dudeman

    I introduce to you BOOSTY

    WOW The car looks great please get more pics up asap!!
  2. MK3.0dudeman

    Tanya's '85 Supra & 6MGE build (version 2.0)

    This is still my most fav MKII ever
  3. MK3.0dudeman

    Supra in Clunker lot

    damn what a nice car.To bad they have to crush it.
  4. MK3.0dudeman

    Funny Joke but supra related

    I am not a honda boy I hate hondas........for the most part.
  5. MK3.0dudeman

    first burnout vid

    WOW that thing sounds like a beast!!
  6. MK3.0dudeman

    Tis how we do it Down Under!.. project 7MGTE (now running YAY)

    That would be a great idea!!I hope a vender picks up on this or I hope he even dose a group buy.I cant see this running to much and it's something a lot of supra owners want to change on there 7M. ----------------------- WOW I love that FFIMA that was very very creative keep up the good work
  7. MK3.0dudeman

    New guy from Jerzy

    welcome to supramania.I also have a old school honda as my dd I have a 94 del sol vtec si-r B16 100% stock not even a intake it's fun but it's no supra...
  8. MK3.0dudeman

    New with an 88 turbo

    Wow great find man and welcome to supramania.Your car is megga clean and there hard to find with mileage like that. btw loving that its white
  9. MK3.0dudeman

    Funny Joke but supra related

    Don't worry we'll get it fixed soon enough.
  10. MK3.0dudeman

    Old people

    HAHA that was a good one I could see my grandma doing that
  11. MK3.0dudeman

    Cops pulled me over today..

    I just got pulled over tonight.The cop was doing about 15-20 in the left lane I passed him at like 35 in a 30 I think.IDK LOL so he pulled me over and said o whats up man I guess you got a new car sorry about that just slow down :naughty: It's nice to know cops.. p.s.I was a bit tippys to
  12. MK3.0dudeman

    Mint GA70 - Oooh...

    WOW super clean!!
  13. MK3.0dudeman

    Sad day for me and the Supra (BIG READ)

    sorry to hear man nice car tho
  14. MK3.0dudeman

    Song you are listening to right now!

    10 miles wide by escape the fate
  15. MK3.0dudeman

    YOUR Supra... Is it FUN to DRIVE?

    Hell yea my supra is fun to drive!!!I love driving it so much it makes me feel happy even just rolling around town.
  16. MK3.0dudeman

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    I want that Tom's bumper!!
  17. MK3.0dudeman

    87 and late 89 motor mounts

    Use 89+ mounts since the car is a 89 and I'm not sure but you might need 89+ brackets.
  18. MK3.0dudeman

    4X4 supra!!! oh my god what the!!! PICS!!

    wow that was a bad idea.See what happends when hicks who like jap cars drink one to many beers
  19. MK3.0dudeman

    88 Supra - Project 1J

    God damn a year of work and it all payed off:icon_bigg Well the car is still coming along good and I still can't wait for our supra's to go for that ride.Now next spring my car go's under the knife:naughty:
  20. MK3.0dudeman

    Brian's Dd/auto X/security Car

    Fuck honda tech or almost any other honda forum you can't learn anything on there it's just a bunch of ass hole's that don't know shit