Thank you so much for telling me supraofdoom!! I'm finally am going to pick one up than.
Than I'll get your gamer tag and you could tell me some good games to play.
Dose anybody know when GT3 comes out?and not prolog the real deal
Nice color.Is it the stock teal color that came on the 90-92?it looks kind of like it but than again it dosent so much.
Could Jeff or someone whos good stock specs chime in.
Nice car tho
Damn man if you lived by me I would help you rip everything out and sell everything.Thats two things I'm really good at lol
Use paypal like kamikazemkiii said and you should down load the toyota repair manual to see whats parts are what and learn what they do.For pricing on parts I would say...
That song is terrible.Bass hunter has a few ok songs.
I think this is a better find with a way better song.
at 0:12-13 seconds theres a white pre 89 MKIII parked.I posted this last year in the off topic section.
and yes my eye spy skills are...
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