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  1. IBoughtASupra

    Just Another Lame 2J Swap

    Why in the world is than fan so close to the support!? Is it just the picture?
  2. IBoughtASupra

    tools explained

    That's how it looks but when you are using it, the only way it will slip is if you are not griping the tool or you did not position the keepers and retainers properly. Those springs are GSC springs, trust me, they are stiff. I used the old Blue Point overhead tool to put them in and my back...
  3. IBoughtASupra

    tools explained

    The best tool I have bought is this.... ToyoValve Tool. Makes doing valve deals on a motor go super quick. You can change a valve seal, springs, retainers and valve spring seats in less than two hours and that's taking your time!
  4. IBoughtASupra

    New Napa Platinum synthetic oil filters

    Ahhh yes, no defying the laws of physics.
  5. IBoughtASupra

    Ebony: 91 black 1jzgte (proefi friendly)

    Use a output. Designate it as RPM. I know that how AEM does it. Should be the same for the ProEFI or they have a pin labeled for RPM.
  6. IBoughtASupra

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    Ok. Edited grammatical errors. Jeez, white people are tough.
  7. IBoughtASupra

    Went to the dyno today and got horrible results - AEM V2 PNP 1JZ

    Have you checked the harness? On the left side of the AEM screen, do you have any timing errors? It's in the box labeled "timing errors." PM Alpha on SF, he deals with AEM and tunes them A LOT. I think if it is still breaking up, could be the coils even though they are new. SP had issues...
  8. IBoughtASupra

    Gurley's 92 Teal 2JZ Project

    Ahhh yes. Albert sent me this picture and I told him "re-run." LOL! That's the same color I am doing my valve covers, just a shade darker and blue pearl on top.
  9. IBoughtASupra

    What is wrong with this picture

    No. They are not on my car. The plugs were there and we're NOT removed, just tucked if I needed them and they are fully functional.
  10. IBoughtASupra

    What is wrong with this picture

    Yeap, turns on those AUX fans on the radiator by the battery side.
  11. IBoughtASupra

    Fuel System: Go big or go home?

    How much are you shooting for now? What clutch to hold this power? I like that you want to prove the 1J naysayers wrong about big numbers...
  12. IBoughtASupra

    Pro EFI StandAlone ECU

    They're spreading rumors, rumors about me...they only wanna mess up my...whoops. Old reggae song popped in my head. Or as Dustin/Albert would say, its a jiggaboo song.
  13. IBoughtASupra

    92 7mgte turbo spooling but no going anywhere???

    Don't recommend a JZ Swap. Trust me....
  14. IBoughtASupra

    After sitting for a year car cranks but won't start

    Ofcourse. -___- I missed that line about oil and gas.
  15. IBoughtASupra

    After sitting for a year car cranks but won't start

    After sitting for a year, some fresh gas wouldn't hurt.
  16. IBoughtASupra

    Project 2.5GT!

    :: dothewave :::: dothewave :::: dothewave :::: dothewave ::
  17. IBoughtASupra

    busted A340?

    Is it bad to do?
  18. IBoughtASupra

    busted A340?

    Really? I always see guys filling it before installing it on any car. AllData even tells you how much each car is supposed to use.
  19. IBoughtASupra

    *Project sideways supra*

    I see Albert's twins are working.
  20. IBoughtASupra

    88 Blue Turbo restoration/upgrade story

    I'm not sure how your driveway is setup but is pulling not an option. Using the rear tow hook and have a friend steer?