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  1. Justin

    New winshield washer squirters FTW

    Yeah I wanna upgrade mine soon too. I actually HAVE a Camry with those squirter's. They're awesome.
  2. Justin

    Everybody's build thread! Pics of before and after...

    meh. i couldn't figure out how to get them to actually display, instead of just thumbnails. after - before - middle (where it was for a year or a couple)
  3. Justin

    Everybody's build thread! Pics of before and after...

    The 'after' shot is still far from finished... I lost alot of motivation halfway through... almost done now though. Just a few finishing touches.
  4. Justin

    Help: Dual boot menu with only 1 OS

    format /mbr
  5. Justin

    What's a good setup I can have without having to add an amp?

    Something like this would maybe fit the bill? Its not very big or obtrusive, has a built in amp, they sound pretty darn good. If I had to re-think things i would have gone with something liek this in my Supra instead of ripping the entire rear end out and putting all sorts of shit in...
  6. Justin

    Wow... I'm a n00b!

  7. Justin

    88 2JZ NA-T Startup Vid!

    awesome dude!!! ( nice climate control ;) )
  8. Justin

    Tial BOV question

    Thanks guys... looks like i'll be buyin an 11psi spring here soon :) I'd rather just get the right spring than shim it.
  9. Justin

    Adjust the Q45 TB

    Any writeups on how to adjust the q45 tb? My idle is 2500 after installation and I'm guessing that is the problem, as the TB is all the way closed. If there's something else it could be let me know, but I would like to know how to adjust it anyway :)
  10. Justin

    Tial BOV question

    That is a safe assumption. I am running MAFT Pro in speed density. It has a dedicated line off the intake manifold, and the line is hardly 14 inches, if that, so it has a great source.
  11. Justin

    Tial BOV question

    my tial bov will hover about halfway open at idle. That just means I need a stiffer spring correct? I have the 9psi spring. Now, the idle is at 2500 becuase I have not got around to getting everything dialed in correctly. This is the first time the car has ran since mid summer and the first...
  12. Justin

    WOW Amazing garage

    I wonder what the guy does for a living. 260k to spend on a home theater/garage? wow.
  13. Justin

    The "how old are you" thread

  14. Justin

    New Oil pressure sensor location question

    That's the passenger side, obviously. :)
  15. Justin


    I had a dream I blew a headgasket in the Supra. Horrible. Especially considering its not even running :-/
  16. Justin

    Who all has a beater for the mileage?

    Exactly. I went for 2 years (minus my stolen civic mis-hap last year) without a DD... I finally went out and bought an 03 Camry. Excellent daily car.
  17. Justin

    Can compressor surge cause the turbo to seize?

    Like the title asks...
  18. Justin

    JT2MA71's Build. Dyno video on post # 1191

    So did you really get a vette??? dont yell at me duane :)
  19. Justin

    Got another supra!!!

    let me know if you ever sell it then :)
  20. Justin

    Whos has the best/coolest license plates

    I like mine. My buddy with a MK4 has 'Supra' that's kinda cool.