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  1. OneJArpus

    1jz single breaking up under boost :(

    check the resistance in the coils and see if they are with in spec. Try different plugs. Get a DLI unit to help. just a few things i can think of
  2. OneJArpus

    Ct Ma area with parts car?

    same here but northern jerz
  3. OneJArpus

    6/17-Car Accident-Rant

    The guy did not get a ticket for leaving his car on the highway and the guy is was not harmed as he was not in the car when i hit it.
  4. OneJArpus

    GM 3bar Map Sensor Question

    well then i can't use it as it won't work correctly, was wondering if it would work as in correctly.
  5. OneJArpus

    GM 3bar Map Sensor Question

    ok just wondering i've got a 3bar map for cheap so i figured i'd pick it up n see if it would work or just sell it if not. I'm getting mixed reviews, some say yes some say no.
  6. OneJArpus

    The "Hurry Up and Wait" build

    i like the look of it so far, but what is up with all the couplers and tbolt clamps. get that mess welded.
  7. OneJArpus

    6/17-Car Accident-Rant

    I don't mind battle scars. So hey there theresa! :) lol jk b4 my gf see's this n beats me for no reason.
  8. OneJArpus

    Netgear WNDR3700 router problem

    I have a DIR628 Dline router, love it. I get 3-4MB/sec dl and 500 to 800 KB/sec upload on wireless about the same but a little quicker wired. I've run into a few issues like this, i find it that the coaxial cables that are in my house are gonig bad from moving furniture around. I've called the...
  9. OneJArpus

    6/17-Car Accident-Rant

    After math of the car. And my new scar because of this accident
  10. OneJArpus

    GM 3bar Map Sensor Question

    I have a stock ecu with a piggy back SAFC & LC-1 Wideband. Can I use a GM 3Bar map sensor to overcome boost cut? If yes explain / If no explain
  11. OneJArpus

    Cant find 1JZ intake manifold Gaskets!!!!!!!

    runners to head - The other one is going to be a bitch to find unless you purchase a whole 1jz engine gasket set. Is the black coating on your current one bad? is it bent? If no and no it should still be good as they are reusable.
  12. OneJArpus

    mk3 intro

    Clean the wheels and its a very good exterior. Very clean interior by the pics. Welcome
  13. OneJArpus

    Another Supra Comrade Here!

    Welcome! My first supra was a 90 as well. Too bad i crashed it. Treat her right and she will treat you right no matter how sucky it may be (downtime). I've gone years with out driving my project but had a backup supra to fulfill the need for speed. Now i don't so it sucks LOL