Another Supra Comrade Here!


New Member
Jul 5, 2010
Grand Canyon State
Hello, Im Ivan, a Mark III 1990 Supra owner.
I wish i knew about these sites much sooner. I was given my Supra for free as my first car. I learned stick shift alone with a lil help from youtube. I had no help and no knowledge in cars what so ever! I got Supra Manuals and books and begun to maintain my vehicle. Sadly i got Rodknock on the previous engine. And i basically continue to work on my car to bring it to the closest factory condition i can. Im learning as i go and arnt very wise in car mechanics.
I have a cardomain and supraforums account and can be found there and recently found out about this site where its more focused on MKIIIs

I look forward to sharing my supras info and updating on this site. Along with seeking answers on here since my vehicle leaves me with more questions and frustration than speed and satisfaction.....for now:evil2:


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
Tampa, FL
Welcome to SM. My first car was also free- a 1980 Chevy Malibu 4-door with a cracked engine block. So you're off to a better start than I got.


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States

My first supra was a 90 as well. Too bad i crashed it. Treat her right and she will treat you right no matter how sucky it may be (downtime). I've gone years with out driving my project but had a backup supra to fulfill the need for speed. Now i don't so it sucks LOL