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  1. tte


    Does your partner let you look at pictures of women on the net OR pictures of guys if you are a woman or gay? Better still does your partner get mad when he or she catches ur eyes feasting on other women or guys if you are a female SM member? Cheers, Roy
  2. tte

    Cracked Dash ...solution?

    Plastic weld it...Thats if you have a plastic welder. Cheers, Roy
  3. tte

    Can a moderator limit your freedom of speech here?

    Lol...then I am glad you are not a moderator because not everybody can handle the Cheers, Roy
  4. tte

    Carbon fiber Intake Manifold

    Well I have seen carbon fiber manifolds for other cars and race cars.. Cheers, roy
  5. tte

    Carbon fiber Intake Manifold

    I am trying to make one for my car. I have the 900 Deg F aerospace grade resin for it in my room already....Cost me alot. Need to find ceramic interlaced carbon fiber for very high temps. But might be hard due to the CF supplies. And also found out that the normal carbon fiber could be ceramic...
  6. tte

    Carbon fiber Intake Manifold

    Anyone know if there is a company out there who makes a carbon fiber intake manifold for the mk3 Supra? Cheers, Roy
  7. tte

    Can a moderator limit your freedom of speech here?

    Thank you Jeff....thas all I needed to know. Cheers, Roy
  8. tte

    Can a moderator limit your freedom of speech here?

    LOl.. Cheers, Roy
  9. tte

    Can a moderator limit your freedom of speech here?

    When I said some form of free speech I was not comparing it to a total freedom of speech or none at all. I did not mean it as a quantity. I just said it like that...I have better things to spend my time on than go indepth and logical about Freedom of Speech. I would rather spend my logic on...
  10. tte

    Can a moderator limit your freedom of speech here?

    I do not hold grudges against any moderator. And I did not call anyone names or nothing of that sort. Just writing how I felt. Thanks SupraHero...My products will only get better as soon as I deal with the last 5 customers. Cheers, Roy
  11. tte

    Can a moderator limit your freedom of speech here?

    Wrong....I am sure our moderators have to be intelligent guys and should know that although this is a web forum, people expect some form of freedom of speech. Otherwise why would people come here when you cannot say what you want to say as long as it is not too offending. I just wrote a...
  12. tte

    Can a moderator limit your freedom of speech here?

    Can he delete all you have to say? If so, where is our freedom of expression that we always talked about in the past? Cheers, Roy
  13. tte

    Microchip Pic Kits

    Same of the ones we were taught at university was the Motorola series ones.I liked those but i think the microchip ones are cheaper and also for most small projects it is easier and cheaper to use a pic. That is why I want microchip. Cheers, Roy
  14. tte

    Microchip Pic Kits

    Anyone here used or have the Microchip Pic Development Kit? I have done programming with other types of microprocessors but not Microchip. Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    Middle East Crisis

    I do not think nuking the Middle East would make things better. The consequences of that would be more severe. This would anger all Muslims around the world and start a religious war. We have had Hitler trying to kill all the Jews in the past and I do not think that we should be stupid enough to...
  16. tte

    Would you dob in an illegal contractor?

    Yeah...Some people know a contractor is unlicensed and then hire him and pay him the 10% upfront as required by law. When the job is complete, they ask to see the contractor's license. Of course the contractor doesnt have one so he doest get his money. Cheers, Roy
  17. tte

    Have you been fired for Surfing

    Boss does not care as long as I complete my assigned work. Cheers, Roy
  18. tte

    Adult Swim

    PeeWee Playhouse..The neighbourhood kids are always talking bout PeeWee... Seems like most kids stand up and watch that show. I do not know why they put kids shows late at night? Should be more shows for adults. Cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    Middle East Crisis

    The thing is if this war escalates, then USA would get more involved since Israel has a very close alliance with USA. Iran does alot of shit talk. Something should be done to shut their mouth. I think Iran together with Syria funds the terrorists and teaches hatred against the west. My...
  20. tte

    Electric Water Pump?

    Why didnt Toyota design the block and the cooling system so that cold water enters the first 3 cylinders and the 2nd 3 cylinders simultaneously? This way the block is cooled better. With the current cooling system design, by the time the water gets to the last cylinders the water is already...