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  1. Justin

    Expensive intercooler or cheap intercooler

    Yeah I'm going to have to go with Joe and starscream on this one. Where the hell are you getting this info from, please post it up we would all like to see it.
  2. Justin

    Interesting Rev issue

    This is the diagram I used This is the thread I followed And here are two pictures of the wiring I did...
  3. Justin

    Interesting Rev issue

    Q45 TPS. I'll go pull up the diagram I have of what I did, without it I will not have a clue how to answer your questions :) What does it do with the pedal to the floor with the engine running? Begins to bring the revs up pretty damn fast :-D While the engine is running, and I'm just...
  4. Justin

    Interesting Rev issue

    I'll add, to bump the thread, that I have no codes. The car also runs and drives pretty darn well. It sounds like a subby though; my comparison, and another supra owners.
  5. Justin

    Interesting Rev issue

    I have a Q45 on a RonR short runner FFIM. When I hold the accelerator at about 1k the engine will pulsate from 1k to ~2.5K without even slightly moving my foot. With the key in the Ign position the maft pro reads my TPS as from .35 to 4.~8. Any suggestions?
  6. Justin

    Everyone give rs4rush your best wishes.

    alright, here it is. sorry for the delay :p YOu can see how swollen his wrist and collar bone is. *shudder*
  7. Justin

    Everyone give rs4rush your best wishes.

    I can make that happen for you ;) The 5th of Jack that is :p I have a picture I'll post up as soon as I get home. Its kinda disgusting :P
  8. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    Oh I know man! It should be up and running tomorrow, and I belive Luis is going to show up and give me a lesson in maft proing. Running them over? That would be freakin sweet. Yes indeedy. I have serious issues. I'm afraid of my shit breaking down on the side of the road 300 miles...
  9. Justin

    Voltage Drop, what should i do?

    Just out of curiosity, why would you recommend that opposed to just 4ga copper stereo wire? The stuff that they sell in amp kits. KnuKoncepts has amazing wire for an amazing (cheap) price. Its great stuff.
  10. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    I would frickin love to go. I don't trust my car that much though :\ If anyone is leaving from the Spokane area and has an extra seat I'd love to tag along. Make it cheaper for you if two people went in one car too :biglaugh::biglaugh:
  11. Justin

    Voltage Drop, what should i do?

    Werd, Everyone has hit the nail on the head: Grounds. I have a stock 80 alt and I run 800watts RMS to my stereo, and tons of other electronics. I have also replaced damn near anything that could be considered a ground in my engine bay. I never have lights dimming, or voltage drops...
  12. Justin

    Everyone give rs4rush your best wishes.

    Maybe drop him a line or something. This morning on his way to class his bike hit a patch of gravel, threw him off and rolled over him a few times... I'm sure he can give us all the details when he gets back on the interwebs. He's in pretty bad shape, messed up his ankle, broke his wrist...
  13. Justin

    Circuit City butchers brand new car

    Holy crap, what did you have done!?
  14. Justin

    Circuit City butchers brand new car

    Heh, that's cuz CarToys is on Commission, they do the best they can do get you in and out as fast as absolute possible so they can get on to their next buck :) Yes, I worked there for a while. Pretty obvious you have no clue what you're talking about. Some of the best installers I have...
  15. Justin

    Different models of CT26?

    aha, I wish I posted this before I installed the turbo :p I did notice that there were no cracks by the wastegate. Another interesting point. (when I say no cracks, I mean I did not see even a hint of a silver of a crack)
  16. Justin

    Different models of CT26?

    It has a CT26 compressor housing though, its identical to the turbo I pulled off my engine... the compressor fins also look identical to my turbo I pulled off... Hmm.
  17. Justin

    Different models of CT26?

    That's interesting. I wonder what I have here.....
  18. Justin

    Different models of CT26?

    I just zapped my old turbo fins, so I replaced that CT with one a buddy had locally. When we were comparing the two, we noticed a little logo on the exhaust housing that neither of my two turbos had (one from mine, another old one from my Dad's) I didn't think much of it until when I was...
  19. Justin

    Cars you can bank on...86-92 Supra

    Wo0t! If everyone raised their price, and I mean everyone, I think it would raise the value of our cars. But then I don't know much 'bout financial stuff like that. I tell ya, I'll sure be willing to pay when I find my 92 Turbo/Targa/5spd owned by a little ole lady :)
  20. Justin

    What the fuck.

    If this happens, and the child lives, I really feel sorry for it. What the hell are they thinking? Oh: And to answer the question of "What the Fuck"