86-92 7M 1J 2J Starters will work
IMO Use a 7M Starter, the 1J starters are weak sauce.
When i took my 1J starter it was a hell of alot smaller and weaker then my 7M starter
sounds like a business guy to me... just check out the car if you like buy if not keep it moving i'm sure he will have others to purchase it. Especially if he's using the same # on so many add's... he just knows how to flip cars or has a Dl license n sells em like that... my boss here does that...
How is this done? LC-1 Manual states that the analog -1 is for the narrow band reading and analog -2 for wideband reading. How would i hook up the analog 1 wire (yellow) for the ECU to use so i can get rid of the stock O2 sensor?
Would i cut the wire for the 02 sensor on the engine harness and...
Electric impact gun is one idea
i took a pc of wood jammed it on the flywheel, put a breaker bar on there while holding and pushing down on the breaker bar i quickly yanked and broke the nut loose. Inertia will get the bolt off.
I jammed wood again and used a 1/2" tq wrench n torqued it to spec..
What is your alternator pumping out? I get 13.x+ and see 13.5 @ my fuel pump w/12v mod
I seeyou stated 9volts or something when you ran a straight wire. Check to see if the alt is good
i figured out my issues with the misfire it was the DM bypass line... Now i'm @ 35 PSI and i'm running leaner then because 9.3 @ full throttle vs under 8.6 lol
Yea i have an AFPR, anything under 43 PSI w/no vac on it it would sputter and misfire like HELL, 45/50PSI w/o vac line on it would run better but still be pig rich.
with my setup and that line i was running way too rich and getting a 2500 sputter, i put the damper back in and its running flawlessly now. I say do it, if not you can always find a stock damper for 20-50 bux, i got mine for 25, i still kept the line so i can integrate the DM line & damper one day
Thanks for the info!!! Do you remember the cost to rebuild it? That + my ALT are the only two things i haven't put in the car brand new as they still work lol.
Also, you need the take the timing gear behind the crank pulley as it has the correct teeth needed for th crank position sensor to...
i put the factory 2jz or 1jz sensor in the hole... Get a oil filter adapter plate and then put the 7M sensor in the port on the side of the sandwhich plate
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