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  1. tte

    ARP Stud Confusion

    What the heck... I'll do it now... Cheers, Roy
  2. tte

    ARP Stud Confusion

    Yeah...120 ft/lbs with 30 wt motor oil. I could scan a pic of the spec sheet and post it if you want later tonite. Cheers, Roy
  3. tte

    7M-GTE w/ 7M-GE Head?

    Just use the turbo intake cams on the NA head... The exhaust turbo and NA cams are the same.... Cheers, Roy
  4. tte

    ARP Stud Confusion

    Yeah...80 ft/lbs is correct. On my spec sheet it also says 80 ft/lbs with the ARP moly lube. Cheers, Roy
  5. tte

    head and block getting redone

    What is it do you want done to your motor? Head and block surface machined? Cylinders honed? Are you going to use different pistons...etc..etc...etc What are your goals? Details...Details.. Cheers, Roy
  6. tte

    Shipping downpipe???

    Thanks guys. I will go recheck the dimensions. The dimensions on my note must be wrong. Could have made a mistake writing down the dimensions. Cheers, Roy
  7. tte

    Shipping downpipe???

    This is for FEDEX GND. Package Size and Weight Up to 150 lbs. (for packages weighing 100–150 lbs., please follow the marking heavy boxes guidelines); 108" in length; 165" in length plus girth (L+2W+2H). My one still would still be too big. Cheers, Roy
  8. tte

    Shipping downpipe???

    Im trying th ship a downpipe. But because the package dimensions exceed the normal allowable limits i will have to ship frieght. Dimensions are 130" x 30" x 18" I called UPS frieght and they quoted me almost $200. For those of you who have shipped downpipe how did u ship it? Cheers, Roy
  9. tte

    If yur making BIG F'n power, please look, I have ???s

    I think it always difficult to stick to the budget that you initially set. As time goes by, you will realize that the build is costing you more and more...and it seems like it never ending Cheers, Roy
  10. tte

    who would win in a fight?

    A shark's belly is soft and a knife would rip it open easily. And also you could punch it in the nose. Cheers, Roy
  11. tte

    Copy of a cast HKS exhaust mani?

    Cheap does not always mean it wont work. Name brands are good but you can always find other brands that will work well too. Cheers, Roy
  12. tte

    MBTI( Myers-Briggs Type Indicator )

    iNTj - Mastermind Rational here Cheers, Roy
  13. tte

    Copy of a cast HKS exhaust mani?

    Yeah its a repost...:icon_bigg cheers, Roy
  14. tte

    STOLEN: 87 black supra turbo (Fullerton, CA)

    Fucking losers...If you find the guy beat him up... Give him something to remember if he tries to jack a Supra again. Cheers, Roy
  15. tte

    7M-GTE w/ 7M-GE Head?

    I am using a GE head in my rebuild. Cheers, Roy
  16. tte

    Isnt this engine animation cool?

    Here is the link. Cheers, Roy
  17. tte

    check out my new ride

    I dont think so. Ford is cheap. As for the supra, it is a very strong engine. It is just the owners who neglect it or take shortcuts due to ignorance or just to save money. Cheers, Roy
  18. tte

    Supras Have A Secret Stash For Drug Running?

    :biglaugh: Hope the drug dealers dont see this. Otherwise they will all be buying Supras for this purpose only. And the cops will become aware of it and ask us Supra owners to strip our supras so they can check it. Cheers, Roy
  19. tte

    7/16" exhaust stud upgrade?

    My point exactly...It is my friend's shop and he shown me how to do the first one and I did all the rest myself. I am not a experienced machinist. I am in the electrical and communications field. If I can do it good I dont any reason why experienced shops make simple fuckups like that esp if...
  20. tte

    7/16" exhaust stud upgrade?

    I just did my helicoils for the exhaust side today at a friend's machine shop. This is what i did... I mounted a precision angle plate on the bridgeport machine. Then I mounted the head on the angle plate. That way I knew the head was parallel to the Z axis of the bridgeport and the exhaust...