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  1. JDMMA70

    *UPDATE* How a crappy week turns into a shitty weekend

    *Update* Show me the money BITCH! Looks like the guy shot himself in the foot thinking he would just not show up and nothing would happen. Police came back to us and is sending their Report over to my Insurance. My Insurance is going to go to the guys insurance, and apparently we arent going...
  2. JDMMA70

    My 88 supra project

    Folding Mirrors nice UK or German Spec?
  3. JDMMA70

    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    Can't beat the 3 hour rebuild time though haha. So a 30k mile rebuild isn't a big issue haha.
  4. JDMMA70

    7mgte vs hks t04z rx7

    Yeah you've got a tough road ahead I've argued how quick RX7's are in flashchat. As far as apex seals go, this issue was mainly associated with the FC 13BT. FD don't have this problem much if at all. However that RX7 has all the right mods so you're pretty much SOL.
  5. JDMMA70

    Need Help Deciding on Tranny Rebuild

    Yes its PnP, is it more robust? I don't know but I would assume considering the power difference between the 7M and 1JZ that there may be some slight difference. There's going to be an unused connection on Trans near the bellhousing this is a secondary speed sensor for the torque converter, so...
  6. JDMMA70

    Motul 8100 0W-40

    Hey jdub im sending a analysis out for the Motul. The CST for it was 14.1 I believe. If the analysis comes back good is ok to continue running a 40w along side with German Castrol? I've got some Motul left for one more change, a case of Redline and Eneos both 40w? I know 14cst is a tad thick but...
  7. JDMMA70

    TD06-20G Actuator Options

    Cool thanks for the tip Figgie! How about the wleding part will weldable steel rod be ok to use?
  8. JDMMA70

    Need Help Deciding on Tranny Rebuild

    I swapped a low milage 1J Soarer auto trans in my car. Shimmed the accumulators and stuck a big ass cooler on it. Americanjebus is making 390rwhp on an auto with the same mods.
  9. JDMMA70

    TD06-20G Actuator Options

    Alright cool thats simple enough. I found some weldable steel rod at ACE will this be ok to use? Or do i need a specific grade of rod? If so where can i obtain that? Oh and thanks for the help and advice i appreciate it.
  10. JDMMA70

    TD06-20G Actuator Options

    Thats what i did, it basically extends the rod arm which in turn opens the flapper door a certain degree. It will lower the boost, but this kills the spool time. I took my eBay bracket and traced the TD06 actuator mounting bracket on it so i can trim it. I need to drill one more hole. What type...
  11. JDMMA70

    TD06-20G Actuator Options

    I may use the eBay one then to see if it'll work. I have a friend who can weld. I can get some steel rod im sure from sears or something. When I take it to my friend should I tell him to cover the canister end to block some of the heat the welding will obviously generate? Anything I should let...
  12. JDMMA70

    TD06-20G Actuator Options

    TD06 actuator on the right on the left is a Replacement TD06 14psi wastegate (universal) I checked out the website this looks promising, wondering how i can bend it like my other one though. Hmmm...
  13. JDMMA70

    TD06-20G Actuator Options

    Im wondering if there are any other options as far as wastegate acutators go for the 20G? For example would a 14B actuator with some modification of course fit a 20G and work properly. I would prefer to close my flapper door again without having to worry about the GReddy wastegate spooling...
  14. JDMMA70

    Paint code on Stock MKIV TT wheels?

    what i did*Edit*-Mounted-onto-Supra-
  15. JDMMA70

    *UPDATE* How a crappy week turns into a shitty weekend

    Well my dad was on the phone with the Police, and they asked him what he wanted to do. My dad told me that they were going to Summon him so i guess that means we are going to court? He had insurance just not on THAT Honda Odyssey he was driving when he hit my car. They told me he can be charged...
  16. JDMMA70

    *UPDATE* How a crappy week turns into a shitty weekend

    Police just called me, they found the guy who hit my car
  17. JDMMA70

    *UPDATE* How a crappy week turns into a shitty weekend

    im very much so interested PM me pics and we'll go from there. And careful not to bend it im sure you know about the Pre89 metal trim thingy.
  18. JDMMA70

    Repairing HKS Downpipe Questions Help Appreciated

    Removing the elbow is out of the question I don't have a ct26 and no one makes elbow/downpipe combo for a 20G. My question still stands though because the elbow outlet is only 2.5" or something like that.
  19. JDMMA70

    Repairing HKS Downpipe Questions Help Appreciated

    My downpipe has broken at the flex section (The top part of the flex section that leads to the top flange that mounts to the elbow). My question is, is the diameter of the flex section the inlet and outlet 2.5" on both sides or 2.5" to 3"? I want to make sure i can find the right flex pipe so i...
  20. JDMMA70

    *UPDATE* How a crappy week turns into a shitty weekend

    So i went to the body shop today again and talked to the owner this time to clarify what it would cost and what method they would use to pull the dent. Stud welder they told me and it would cost $573. So ive got final price time to get da money. Good news there.