OH MY GOD that's gross....lol.
i found a dead rat carcass under my right headlight on the flat bumper support. just bones and fur stuck in a little dried up lump. THAT was a nasty surprise.
my car chugged like a v8 when my sparkplug wires were mixed up...but if your car idles normal for at least some of the time thats probably not it.
this is just a guess but it sounds like a sensor is going bad or has gone bad somewhere, and it's messing up your fuel mixture. I'm guessing based...
thanks guys I shall check it (AND the diff) tomorrow...and change fluids. I've NEVER changed the fluids and i didn't check them when i got the car....
i feel dumb. but...oh well. live and learn i guess hopefully they are allright.
uhhh...sorry if this is an obvious question (i said i'd go to bed 30 minutes ago and didn't...oh well) but..
how do you check the tranny fluid level... there's no dipstick...do i take off a plug and make sure it's at the plug?
I wouldn't want to track it now. but just encase you had an image of something else (lol, here i go) - there aren't objects to hit at my local auto-x place...so i would wear stuff out but i didn't see myself actually breaking parts unless there are weak points. but maybe i'd be surprised like...
Ok, how do you know?
Why is a 4age FWD so nice?
I do like those corolla's....my friend's ex had one. in fact, my friend is the one who got my into MR2's... :biglaugh:
what kinds of stuff are we talking for Genuine only? so far i've found lots of supra engine things from other brands and I don't really see what would be on an MR2 that would break and not be found at a NAPA or equivalent parts store...
I don't really see what would be too bad though I mean...
a GE supra? what the hell is that?
now, do you really think i should look for something less in a DD? or was that a joke. i'm kinda tired.
BWB - ok, thanks. never done it before i just wanted to make sure and possibly increase chances of a "yes"
I over complicate some things. :)
OHHH. I was thinking from a racing perspective and not a consumer perspective when i remembered that. i thought it was a little flaw that caused some bad handling for spirited driving compared to the later 'refined' handling, if you will.
i just glanced but the interior of this mr2...
BWB -are you sure? i thought that 85 had finiky suspension and the 87 or 88 had updated and safer designed suspension....
any big differences in the interior you know of off hand?
i just feel odd about going a year older than the 1986.5 i currently own, plus i dont know about getting a...
that's exactly what i was looking at the other day. An older individual owns it and it's under a car cover right now :cry:
soo i was thinking about asking if he/she would sell it... although i think it's an 85 and i'm not sure how i feel about that year. it was near the start and before...
ah look whos talking! ;)
Big - ok thanks. its the same engine as in the corolla right? or was that a camry...
can i get it quieter in the cabin with that sound deadening material they sell at car audio stores? I don't want it too loud...
hmmm...so i won't care? I'm satisfied with the speed of my car. although i push it a bit. I think the MR2 is lower and being smaller AND lower I can definitely see how the sensation would seem faster...
HoLY shit! :nono: lol....
I found an unused condom in my right rear fender while i was cleaning it out. Thank GOD it was unused as it was floating in the pool of water trapped in there from my leak.
misc. pens and a few coins
white dog hair
a little thin wire from the passenger seat...
It would be my second car. I looked for info on a MR2 board but I wanted to see if anyone with a supra (like me) can give advice and comparison between the two cars. I know a good deal about MR2's, especially how and why they are more likely to spin in bad circumstances. I realize they are a...
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