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  1. nick88

    Got hit tonight, :) Fixed with pics on Post 91

    Take the hatch panels out, hit it with a hammer to get the shape back, some filler, and I have a bumper that you can have if you pay shipping and a little extra cause I got to dig it out of a snow drift.
  2. nick88

    This isnt adding up!!!!

    But the thing is that unless you caught the bhg right at the beginning stages, the block will still be to rough for a mhg. Happened to me, I had the head machined, mhg scraped block clean, not out of spec, still bhg.
  3. nick88

    Bought another modded Mk3, pics inside

    So you are going to drive this in the winter? Even with snow tires I wouldn't want the salt getting anywhere on the car and cause rust.
  4. nick88

    Not low enough!

    Thats not low enough???????????????????? If you want to fill the wheel gap get some bigger wheels.
  5. nick88

    The "You might be a 7m owner if..." Thread

    Everyone that has ever rode with you knows what fuel cut is.
  6. nick88

    Who has the best looking mk3

    ForcedTorque don't forget about your favorite car. (Mine)
  7. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    Alright, Thanks for your help, hopefully it will be back together soon, but not on the road anytime in the near future.
  8. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    What model? I know that some camry's have the hydro-fan.
  9. nick88

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    Yeah, that ice is a bitch, caused me to go into some guys yard last year, and I was going straight down a road by my house.
  10. nick88

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    O. But it is possible to drive on ice is what I'm saying. Is it the clear ice you can barely see and it just looks like the road is wet?
  11. nick88

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    Thats sounds like this morning in Des Moines, Iowa, just i think we got a couple inches of snow, on the main roads that were all melted and they were just wet. I passed a cop that was going 20-25 and I was going the speed limit. lol
  12. nick88

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    Wanna bet. It gets cold enough here and we usually have a couple ice storms/freezing rain/blizzards. I have all season radials on my jeep, they are 32's but aren't very wide, perfect for the winter season, drove in the middle of a ice storm last year, the power was out, and the power lines where...
  13. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    It did have the lip, but on the bumper all of the holes where you mount a lip are gone. :: angry :: So it must of got ripped off. And the ass of the car looks good (look at my avatar)
  14. nick88

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    I've drove on ice, drifted on ice, and lost control driving straight on ice. Not hard but it is the "black ice" that you have to watch out for. If it ever gets bad enough here, I have chains to put on my jeep.
  15. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    I am actually thinking of buying a Masterpower t70 from my friend here in town, once he upgrades his. It has a .68a/r exhaust housing which would be perfect range and would not take long to spool, and with my goal of 450hp before I graduate high school. The relay that was melted was labeled...
  16. nick88

    New Toy, 2.5 TT-R

    Well, when we actutally worked on it and didn't stand around and talk/take pics/bullshit with each other, it took about 2 1/2-3 hours. It took a long time to get the wiring harness out of the firewall. On the other hand, I talked Ricky into buyin that mk2 supra that I was gonna get.