Thanks, I didn't want to go posting a thread without getting opinions of people who have had or have seen a similar problem, I wanted to make sure it was, what it was. I didnt think to check youtube for other videos on rodknock because I wasnt aware there was any, but I will sure use it in the...
Yes I know the title, what I didn't know is that the knocking sound that I heard at idle was the same sound I heard a 2000 to 3000 rpms, Thank you for your idea though.
Its a manual transmission.
Yea, thats what I was afraid of, the engine had a metal head gasket installed when they swapped the engine into it, should I still have a machine shop re plane the block and head? Also how much are we talking about for a decent rebuild, and what parts should I put higher on the priority list...
Thats what my friend said a few weeks ago, I didn't want to jump to conclusions without justifying them, when I read the page on rod knock from, supracentral, I think thats the name, it pretty much matched the description he gave.
It's had this sound since before I bought it, I always...
I see, thanks for all your ideas, as for the crank pulley bolt, I'm pretty sure it's not that, but ill check it out.
Valve lash, I can really see that being one of the two sounds.
I have a video up that had the other sound I'm talking about, you can hear it at idol but the camera didn't...
I think at that time it was valve train noise, but It has never had done that before and as I said I didn't hear it tonight, sorry that it wasn't clear.
I had AMSOIL 20-50W in it for summer, and switched to AMSOIL 10-40W, previous owner had straight 40W in it.
That was the first time I heard a clear ticking sound from the valve train, I'm very use to it, so I know it when I hear it, my 84 Ranger has a ticking rocker/spring.
Hi all, occasionally my car has a noticeable ticking/knocking sound at idol after the car has warmed up. I originally thought it to be the AC compressor or the PWR steering pump. I removed the AC comp belt and found the bearing was bad in it so it was making a sound but the ticking/knocking...
Hi all, on occasion my car either hesitates to start or does'nt start at all. The previous owner said it did this to him, and he found what it was so he kept a bunch of ECU Mains' in the car.
The issue is i've gone thru all 7 of them, but sometimes I can use the "blown" Mains and the car...
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