Search results

  1. Justin

    Heater Core Bypass

    Yep. Quin is correct. There is no arguing with that.
  2. Justin

    RS4rush Build thread!

    Don't worry, those will be gone as soon as I get my hands on those wires.
  3. Justin

    Going for a ride in a MKIV...LOL!

    P I I T B ? ?
  4. Justin

    Wiper Blade Size?

    Wow, that was uncalled for. Josh, I just measured mine, they're 17 5/8 and 19 5/8. I use the PIAA blades, they're amazing. Little spendy though.
  5. Justin

    how does free sound?

    That is a question I was going to ask as well. What are the other differences in the JDM ECU, as I imagine there are some?
  6. Justin

    Who makes a good flip out monitor?

    My advice: Get a double din, not a flip out. The answer to your question: Kenwood, Alpine, Pioneer. I have heard good things about clarion but I have no first hand experience with them.
  7. Justin

    Heater Core Bypass

    IIRC the valve controlling the flow of coolant through the heater core only blocks off coolant when your air conditioning is switched on.
  8. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    That's a really neat shot man. I have alot of photo's but I'm not 'bout to go through and resize them all... they're about 3 megs each.
  9. Justin

    RS4rush Build thread!

    Damn, someone sure does good work! oh, wait ;) I'm glad the DVD player cleared. wooo.
  10. Justin

    Coolant filter pics

    Single, or double ply? Charmin or Scott?
  11. Justin

    Coolant filter pics

    Yeah, I'd like to see some too actually. I cannot remember ever seeing any.
  12. Justin

    Coolant filter pics

    where the hell does that stuff come from??
  13. Justin

    car revs by it self

    This is an excellent site, we have incredibly knowledgeable people who are extremely willing to help you solve a problem that you cannot solve on your own, AFTER you have done all your research and formulated a post that has proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar. I'm sure that no one will...
  14. Justin

    single c.o.p. coils on piggyback q45 tps and

    Try Beech Performance, or whatever the proper name is. Something on SF made me think he provides an adapter as well.
  15. Justin

    single c.o.p. coils on piggyback q45 tps and

    You can search three letter words by typing "Q45*" or "TPS*" There are two options for the TPS route, I think the adapter is a better one. I REALLY thought that Titan made the adapter but I couldn't find it on their site... so maybe I imagined the entire thing.
  16. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    Meh. I don't want to miss out on anything too fun :) (there, not here) Speaking of... Why the fuck am I on my computer at 12:20 when I have to wake up in less than four hours.
  17. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    No shit. I almost did not come because my girlfriend just graduated with her masters degree and there's loads of family/friend things going on tomorrow night. If things really die off that quick then maybe I'll be able to do two things at once! Depends on how fast I drive I guess ;) I...
  18. Justin

    ***Centralia Spring Meet & Greet - May 3rd***

    what time do events like these break up at??? Just curious cuz I'm wondering what time I'm going to be getting back to my side of the state...