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  1. Justin

    N/A Gas milage.

    When my dad had his 88T the average was about 400 to the tank. (That's with me driving it as well) That was with intake/exhaust(3in)/boost controller On the freeway it was slightly higher. My 89T gets SHIT for mileage. Always has anyway. I'm talking like 13 or so. *shrug*
  2. Justin

    aftermarket gauges in gauge cluster

    I would highly recommend NOT using prosports. Nothing bad against their gauges, but I put four Defi BF series in my cluster and its a bitch to see the gauge position with the targa off. Even with a little sunlight on the gauge cluster with a hard top or targa on. If you have sunglasses on...
  3. Justin

    Starter Wire

    Where does it go, phsyically? From the ignition switch to the relay in the pass kick panel to the starter?
  4. Justin

    Oh Oil, Why won't you just stay where you belong?

    I've only put about 100 miles on this turbo, but as I said, I have NO idea of its prior life. It could have 200k on it for all I know *shrug*
  5. Justin

    Oh Oil, Why won't you just stay where you belong?

    What an EXCELLENT reason to finally upgrade to that damn 57 trim I've been wanting!! Does anyone else concur? Yes, I said concur.
  6. Justin

    EGR Block Off Plate

    Yes. jdub... do you know if there are any other differences in the JDM ECU, not including the EGR difference? I know I already asked but I figured I'd try again ;)
  7. Justin

    Oh Oil, Why won't you just stay where you belong?

    The past few days of driving my supra I've noticed oil coming out the exhaust. Burning, not dripping :) The oil will be present when I am rolling to a stop and at idle. That is the only time I notice it. Doesn't mean it is not there other times, but that's only when I see it. The engine...
  8. Justin

    Where can I buy a Car side stereo harness?

    I'm still a little unsure about your rear speakers though. There is nothing in those harnesses that indicate rear speakers... The green/blue and pink/purple are your front speakers. are there any wires connected to thoseo somewhere down the line?
  9. Justin

    Where can I buy a Car side stereo harness?

    Can you take pictures of the plugs that you got out of the junkyard cars? a plug is a plug, the wire colors for the speakers will be the same. most of the power will be the same too, the only difference i saw was the constant power wire.
  10. Justin

    Could be lowest Mileage mkiii

    There's a 49Kilometer supra floating around up in Canada... I think that one takes the award :)
  11. Justin

    Knock Sensor Questions???

    No, its not okay. Your car will go into limp mode and things will suck.
  12. Justin

    Where can I buy a Car side stereo harness?

    I think so, yeah. Do you have a multimeter/testlight/anything that can test voltage?
  13. Justin

    Where can I buy a Car side stereo harness?

    You're welcome. From what I can tell from your pictures all the colors should line up except the constant power wire. Chances are on an 87+ harness it will be blue/yellow
  14. Justin

    Where can I buy a Car side stereo harness?

    Yeup, that's exactly what I was thinking Sure, you could cut a harness out of a Honda and make it adapt. just have to make sure the colors are correct and you can use any harness you desire :)
  15. Justin

    Fricken 'A'

    yes yes yes but alt s doesn't! imagine if your tab enter didn't work. wouldn't you feel lost? okay maybe not that extreme but its a bother :)
  16. Justin

    Fricken 'A'

    hah. alt + s will submit a message. so when you're posting a thread, or replying, etc... really sucks when you hit it and nothing happens :)
  17. Justin

    Fricken 'A'

    No, but there was a way to fix it :\
  18. Justin

    Fricken 'A'

    Alt + S doesn't wo rk on FF3. Anyone know how to fixers?
  19. Justin

    Please tell me WHY!

    aaahaha. Funny.