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  1. nick88

    Roll Overs

    Only wreck I was is in was when my friend hit a school bus with his trans am, :3d_frown:.
  2. nick88

    7mgte boost???? /thread
  3. nick88

    Aloha from the new girl...(slight NWS)

    No, you're "special". :: ij. :: to op: And :hitit: haha jk.
  4. nick88

    Aloha from the new girl...(slight NWS)

    Nice boots.
  5. nick88

    It's rare that I have no words for something...

    I want a job at one of those holiday inn's to warm beds.
  6. nick88

    Aloha from the new girl...(slight NWS)

  7. nick88

    R154 swap

    link to pic of box under dash?
  8. nick88

    R154 swap You need to ground one of the neutral safety start switch wires for the to be able to complete a full starter circuit or it will be open and you will never get power to the starter.
  9. nick88

    biggest fail ever

    What's the link to that audi sandport one?
  10. nick88

    Importing a Supra?

    Not in Cali. Near impossible in other states but can be done.
  11. nick88

    2400 miles of bliss!!!

    Definitely hard to compete with that red, its just shiny and defined for being red, and you can see a reflection of what looks to be a s2k in your fender. Congrats on the buy.
  12. nick88

    loss interest in my car

    Whoever is telling you to part with this car, slap them in the face and walk away. Fix it. /thread
  13. nick88

    bout to buy a shel, is itgood for $500??

    I got a rusty shell with a missing fender and some suspension that I tried to get off but wouldn't come apart so would prly need a new rear subframe sometime down the road. You can have for 300 if you come get it, 88 targa turbo.
  14. nick88

    2400 miles of bliss!!!

    Definatly cold up here for you then, the high today was 39 degrees and it was warm, I was wearing a light nike 6.0 zip up hoody and a some jeans. Lol. It was nice compared to the sub-zero temps that we have been having for the last few weeks. You should definatly make your way up here on one...
  15. nick88

    2400 miles of bliss!!!

    Move to Iowa. :biglaugh:
  16. nick88

    bout to buy a shel, is itgood for $500??

    I would buy it, I have a complete burgundy leather interior you can have if you come get it in Des Moines, Iowa, seats are torn but everything else is pretty good.
  17. nick88

    Hey everyone, new to this forum

    You couldn't buy it back from them?
  18. nick88

    R154 trany ready for 1000+ whp

    Extra charges??? If you haven't already noticed then I will point it out to you, the mkIII supra community is full of cheap asses. I am one of those that am willing to pay a little more for a item, but your price is just outrageous. 1000whp ready??? The marlin crawler things are not even...