That coolant sensor is what activates teh cold start switch, and injector, with it broken the ecu is in limp mode and always thinks that the motor is warmed up and doesn't richen up for cold starts, wait for the sensor and it will be running properly.
And don't order a jdm 7m, find one for sale on the forums, check out's for sale section for used swap parts and good mk2 parts that you might need.
I would go 7m in a mk2. 1jz would take longer.
The 7m requires a 90+ front sump oil pan/pump from a cressida, the mounts off of your 5m, 5m trans will bolt right up, and a guy name junkie on can make you a harness. IIRC, it is about 12-16 wires to hook up to make it run, I...
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