Search results

  1. nick88

    IA Supra's

    April is after March. ;)
  2. nick88

    IA Supra's

    Alright, we got a place, now lets decide on a date. Around early April, late March?
  3. nick88

    mk3 sbc swap

    Thanks. How do you plan on running the fuel pump, tach, and all of the other electronics that are dependent on the stock ecu?
  4. nick88

    mk3 sbc swap

    Alright, I'll let you know your searching skills suck, especially when you should click on the link in my sig. to see that I have no use for said spare headgaskets.
  5. nick88

    mk3 sbc swap

    No, I'll race you if you can make it up to the track at Kansas City. That is, if you don't have to change the jets in your carb to come up here.
  6. nick88

    mk3 sbc swap

    Kansas City?
  7. nick88

    Are you afraid of thiefs?

    Don't have subs in the supra, have no need for them in my mainly performance focused car, don't really care about sound in it either, been rooling with a "stolen" faceplate for awhile. Best thing was when it was stolen, the neo and avc-r was pushed in front of the heater controls and ash tray...
  8. nick88

    Pure Awesomeness!!!

    I LOL'd
  9. nick88

    1G help.!!

    Aussie forums.
  10. nick88

    What engine would this be??

    Same way we have LHD 1jz supra's in the U.S.
  11. nick88

    What engine would this be??

    I think that it is worth having just because it is a 1ggte in the U.S. that was running and legal at one point in time.
  12. nick88

    What engine would this be??

    I emailed them, the 1g is very hard to get parts for. If you look at the engine pic, it has a n/a afm, the wiring harness does not follow the stock route.
  13. nick88

    What engine would this be??

    At first glance I was like wtf, a 1g when I thought it was going to have a bigblock in it. I want this, but don't need it.
  14. nick88

    anyone still making little supra sigs?

    Thanks Razoe
  15. nick88

    What size are the stock head bolts in a 7M-GE?

    I used a 3/8 inch allen in mine, just barely fits without stripping it out.
  16. nick88

    Supras are slow

    And this thread is a failure and screams attention whore, please ban me, I don't know what I am talking about.
  17. nick88

    Supras are slow

    Wtf??????????????????????????? That model cobra runs low 12's stock, A stock twin 1jz is around high 12's low 13's at 15 psi. Could be driver error too.
  18. nick88 2.5TT Aero Limited JDM refurb (yUK)

    You are my new hero, I want to do this but I just don't have enough financial support to try to even take on a project this big.