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  1. Justin

    Battery ?

    Indeed. Honestly though if you're pulling enough current to pop a fuse/kill a meter you have some serious problems :) I believe both my Flukes are fused at 10A That's always what I've thought but I remember reading in a Toyota document that the acceptable range was somewhere around .08
  2. Justin

    Battery ?

    Meh. Leave the speculation out of this. Get a multimeter and test the current draw when the ignition is OFF. Disconnect your positive or negative terminal and put the multimeter inline with the battery. Measure the current being drawn. I believe Toyota says .08 amps is acceptable...
  3. Justin

    attention anyone who has purchased from Champion Toyota

    Deal with Jeff, and only Jeff. Don't speak with anyone else. My Dad and I have spent thousands of dollars on each of our Supras through him.
  4. Justin

    Law of Anonymity

    hmm.... I sure thought it was yours :p Yeup, thanks.
  5. Justin

    Law of Anonymity

    Thanks, but not the one I'm looking for.
  6. Justin

    Law of Anonymity

    There's a funny comic about how a regular person plus anonymity plus the internet = total shitwad or fuckwad or something like that. Anyone have it? I can't find it on google.
  7. Justin

    WANTED: Pics of your car! (For MKIII Colour FAQ)

    Hey Jeff, What ever became of this? Do you have all these pictures saved, most of the links are dead by now....
  8. Justin

    US Production and Sales Numbers???

    I'm going to follow your lead...
  9. Justin

    Firefox just got competition... Google Chrome....

    This browser is REALLY fast. HAH! And it has a really nifty resize option for the 'Reply to thread' dialog box! I hope this spell checker is better than FF too. WOOHOO! ALT S works too!
  10. Justin

    coolant pipe on back of throttle body

    I removed those lines about three years ago (maybe two?). I have had no issues what so ever driving in the winter, and it gets very well below freezing, even into the negative here sometimes.
  11. Justin

    Album Art

    I have a program called fix tunes that will fix song titles and apply album art work. its not very accurate so I cannot use it for a lot of songs. When it doesn't work, iTunes will work. The difference between the two programs is that fix tunes will apply album art in a manner that...
  12. Justin

    Diagnose these plugs.... again.

    I hope so, but I have my reservations :) We'll see how things go. I'll report back if anything changes.
  13. Justin

    Diagnose these plugs.... again.

    Update: I finally got all the parts for the turbo in so its up and running now. My studder problem went away and it boosts wonderfully on my 57 trim. Fast and stuff :) The only thing other than the turbo that I changed was the plugs. My compression test yielded 170 +/- 4 psi all...
  14. Justin

    Motor cutting off after intake and bov installed

    Do me a favor. When you figure out the problem report back with what it was.
  15. Justin

    Motor cutting off after intake and bov installed

    That sounds more like a vacuum leak than anything else.
  16. Justin

    beautiful eastern washington!

    You can rent 'em at schucks for like 6 bucks....
  17. Justin

    Explain Amp-Hours to me please.

    I have a Makita drill set that has a 3.0 aH battery and I just bought one that has a 1.5 aH battery. I know(think) that is has to do with duration or longevity of the battery under full load but I'm clueless after that. I was also told that it was the duration the battery could last under...
  18. Justin

    Show us your GAUGES!

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Mine too :D
  19. Justin

    Diagnose these plugs.... again.

    If the problem is stem seals what are all the possible effects of the problem? ie. if i continue driving on the problem what possible problems could I create? Not suggesting I would, I'm just trying to broaden my knowledge base. Compression and leak down test results to come soon.