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  1. Figit090

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    My turn. Beautiful cars guys. BorHor neat pics. Will someone please inform me if you are in northern california? Its lonely not having fellow supramania friends up here to have meets. :p
  2. Figit090

    ehh..I think i'll just take the cruise

    woahhhh.......... those vids were sweet!
  3. Figit090

    Even Number of Spokes bad???

    It wouldn't? no...i was just bored and wanted to throw out a theory for the only comprehensible and slightly reasonable reason for anyone to say odd spokes are better. no performance advantage. never thought there could be unless one is more aerodynamic than the next.
  4. Figit090

    Even Number of Spokes bad???

    The only thing I can come up with (this is just my spur-of-the-moment theory) is that having spokes directly opposite one another could contribute to flexing and hinder even distribution of loads....but not much. I would be MUCH more concerned with build quality and thorough testing, along with...
  5. Figit090

    better gas mileage?

    so more on shutting down cylinders. is it hard to just cut 2 cylinders of the 6 when you don't need them or do you have do rework something more? i've been thinking about getting a smaller car. maybe even a geo...if only they weren't so damned ugly... and they kinda look dangerous too. :(
  6. Figit090

    Moulding replaced but the "Toyota Supra" looks different

    NICE. +1 on how much trim you bought. that looks great! yay for another 1986.5! you inspire me to go polish mine! ;)
  7. Figit090

    What do you think wrong

    this is a mess. Dont get your face near that battery if its that hot. ...if you have a car with Electronic FUEL Injection...its sure as hell not going to start if the Electronic FUEL Injection can't get power send any FUEL into the engine. Did you even try starting it will all the parts...
  8. Figit090

    small problem....

    I had to helicoil a few exhaust studs with the head bolted down. that was a bit of a pain but its doable. The annoying part was believing the engine shop when they said it's rare to strip out an exhaust stud. its utter bullshit, especially for an aluminum 7m head. I first practiced on a...
  9. Figit090

    MKIII Tach Pic

    nice pics, i'm going to have to try this with my cameras now! I'm kinda getting into DSLR photography, i just got an older one to learn on :)
  10. Figit090

    2008 Supra MKIII - Project 1BYDFALT

    that temp gauge is plain scary... lol oh and did you remove any tick marks on it? nice stuff. did you make any mods besides the tune lights? is that cluster brand new? i cant wait for this car to be complete! great job.
  11. Figit090

    i pick the worst time to sell me car :(

    awesome, awesome car, LOVE the look and how clean it is. what rims are those? you should post a pic from behind and/or to the side, i feel like im missing out without seeing the ass end good luck selling! may i ask WHY you are?
  12. Figit090

    GTA IV: online first impression

    /\ LOL sounds awesome. but does it get boring? my main BIG is the world compared to san andreas? how are buildings? any blank loading screens or anything silly? (i'm hoping new systems dont need that much anymore) i soo want to play this. maybe i'll buy a 360 this...
  13. Figit090

    Should I stay away from this 7M engine?

    sounds like you have a cool plan. I'd like to become a welder...i'm not lined up for it but it sounds fun and rewarding. good luck. I'd love to have a dummy engine to mess with on an engine stand... no money or time though.
  14. Figit090

    Should I stay away from this 7M engine?

    i like that idea, and yeah if you recycle that aluminum head and maybe some other parts i bet you could make most of your money back. if its a weekend toy project or a learning experience I say ask if he'll take 150 and go for it. :) I just didn't know what you wanted it for. I'd be weary...
  15. Figit090

    Slim in radiator...i feel a BHG coming upon.

    oh thanks! yeah i totally thought i had seen it the other day but i was looking at a not-first post where your sig was omitted. did you purposefully type "Sig Fig" like that? ROFLMAO:icon_mad::biglaugh: BlackBoomystick - your car looks like mine! I hope it's OK!!!
  16. Figit090

    Should I stay away from this 7M engine?

    ask him why he tore it down in the first place. otherwise; it's a GE.... it's far away and you'll be driving an engine-hauling vehicle for about 8 hours. take your shit MPG and the current gas prices, do the math, and add that to your engine price. Figure in the price of a rebuild. You'll...
  17. Figit090

    Slim in radiator...i feel a BHG coming upon.

    hah...yeah i'm bored to. i'll find your thread. same one? back to topic.... i hope you get this sorted! I have no doubt you can do your own work, didn't give it much thought it was more of a joke really...
  18. Figit090

    Slim in radiator...i feel a BHG coming upon.

    Have nothing better to do IJ? :biglaugh: its been a while since i've been on the boards, what are you doing with your car these days? I'm guessing you got the fuel sorted out completely?
  19. Figit090

    Slim in radiator...i feel a BHG coming upon.

    I have been told that green coolants can have chemicals that can corrode our aluminum heads. Thus toyota red which is safe for our cars. I wouldn't use green if I were you. you never took your car to a quickie-lube type place did you? I could see some dipshit dumping oil in your overflow...