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  1. Figit090

    eFFeT's Swedish Powered Supra MKIII

    great thread, just went through it, awesome work!
  2. Figit090

    Post your wingless pics!

    can you be so kind as to let me steal your hatch shade? damn i want one...
  3. Figit090

    Post your wingless pics!

    thread saturation, commencing....first with a photoshop of what she'd look like with clear corner lenses... I had more but even now I feel bad....hehe.:biglaugh:
  4. Figit090

    Dynoed my AT (all-trac)

    beautiful looking car! nice numbers too. done a 1/4 mile with it yet?
  5. Figit090

    look what i found

    what did the PO say about the engine, specifically?
  6. Figit090

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    ah no worries man. just wonderin :p
  7. Figit090

    look what i found

    damn....beautiful find! I saw a nice two-tone brown and tan supra the other was prime. i'm hoping i might have some time to go check it out/inquire about it. but yeah, get the swap going! so cool how you found such a similar car.
  8. Figit090

    What are the pro and cons of this?

    OH OK thats fine then. I thought you were DD'ing it that way at one time....heh.
  9. Figit090

    Parts display Demo 7M GTE engine

    +1 I do like it though, and the block is pretty sweet. just a bit too much red...highlighting dull parts.
  10. Figit090

    Houston Supra owners being called out by Houston240sx?

    i personally wouldn't run my car at high speeds next to anyone immature enough to pull stuff like this. for my safety and my car's as well.
  11. Figit090

    my eye is swollen... help ?

    /\ hahahaha.... well if you dont have any sore eyelashes then it might not be a sty, time to see the doc!
  12. Figit090

    How to replace trunk struts?

    i JUST put new ones in about 4 days ago.. it's PRIME. lifts itself after 1/3 of the way up, stays up, and shuts solidly but without a slam. my hood struts are new too. both are highly recommended fix-up! :) many times have you guys been hit/smashed/bopped by your hood or hatch...
  13. Figit090

    What are the pro and cons of this? did this too? WHY? i'm confused. anyway.... it sounds like a diesel pickup. which is WEIRD. cant say i care much for it...thats for sure. loud and obnoxious, like diesel pickups. hell if you like the sound make a separate downpipe that exits with the main... shoot it out the...
  14. Figit090

    Brake light question, urgent.

    or at least make is obvious when they don't :p
  15. Figit090

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    haha... hey,your car, whats on your door trim? i see dots. used screws didn't you.
  16. Figit090

    my eye is swollen... help ?

    sometime you can get a small eyelash-zit type thing. a sty i think they are called. do you have sensitive eyelashes right now? i would definitely see a doctor or optometrist.... could be serious...i'm not one so i couldnt say. been near any dust or worksites lately? could be something...
  17. Figit090

    Plasma Pong

    did your ears bleed? where does the music go after the tempo passes 200? lol....
  18. Figit090

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    sawblades are better in person, its a fact.
  19. Figit090

    1j, 2j, 7m, powered off road vehicles

    its insane. no side bracing, or triangular structure... and the shocks will rip from that sheetmetal in notime.