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  1. SupraMario

    Gas War Join The Resistance!!!!

    mods i dont think this should go in OT but if u think it does then move it please also could we get this sticked it is effecting us all. this was sent to me in an email and im sure some of u have gotten it too but i thought this might work. this effects everyone. so please take 3mins to read...
  2. SupraMario

    Bolts Breaking common?

    i was replacing my thermostat and the two bolts that held the casing on it broke the heads twisted right off. i was like wtf. but neways my question is, for everone who does major work on their cars does this seem to happen a lot?
  3. SupraMario

    1/2 Na - T

    I have searched before ne1 says nething, all the info i need was on the old SM and now its gone i didnt anticiepate the whole script kiddie thing to happen. searched google and alta vista. so does ne1 have a write up on 1/2 NA-T i dont need NA-T. so mods if u dont like this post or think...
  4. SupraMario

    My cuz.

    My cuz is goin to make it big. he raps. him and his brother. along with a kid they and i knew in HS. they are a local group that is just comin up. they call them selves N.G.C (no good crackers). this isnt the gangster rap, it all has tru lyrics no bullshit inside. he made all of his beats with...
  5. SupraMario

    umm WTH

    umm why do i keep getting credit card offers wtf is with credit card companies stalkin college kids. i got an offer for 30k yesterday. WTF.
  6. SupraMario

    Civic's EX need to stop

    im not goin to make this a "o i whooped some badass car post" so im traveling home on friday and a civic with some chick in it comes up on my ass they wanted to run so i left them in the dust then on sunday same damn thing happen diff civic. this is my question WHY DO THEY TRY AND SHOW OFF...
  7. SupraMario

    Bike Question

    I'm thinking of getting a Street bike, im keeping the supra but would use the bike as a DD, because of gas being 2.09 reg. here and i know it will rise. i was wandering where a good place to look for bikes is online. like is good for cars but what is good for bikes?
  8. SupraMario

    Old members roll call.

    Iza here. i just want to see how many people are from the old forum are signed on now. hey make this a sticky. if the mods get a roll call sticky why cant the old members who make up the site get one