Search results

  1. SupraMario

    Helpdesk, hope you dont get help from this guy.

    im going to have to put sort of NWS, you can go to the site, just dont laugh to damn had or u will be making this NWS. there is like a bunch of pages with the tickets of this guy form a help desk, it seems that he is completely comp...
  2. SupraMario

    Holy crap, the future COP? i cant tell if it is photoshop or if it is made by a 3d software, or if it is actually real. i watched the vids of the bot moving to stop a car and it looked sorta real, but the first pick had me wondering. its still cool looking.:aigo:
  3. SupraMario

    For the gamer/PC, lover. :biglaugh: yes those are color keys and they are customizable(sp?). problem is its going to cost like $200-$300:3d_frown: USd.
  4. SupraMario

    I think im going to die laughing!!! its says its the people move, now im not in the smugling people business, but im guessing thats who this sale is targeted towards.:biglaugh: :biglaugh: i freakin cant stop laughing.
  5. SupraMario

    Ok this is just funny

    This morning going to work, I passed a Grand Prix. yes a grand prix with a huge wing, a type R decal, like 22" rims and some black guy with his hat turned sideways bumping with the seat tilted in the "its time to watch a movie" possition. :aigo: know is that not funny. is he just confused or is...
  6. SupraMario

    For those who have the 2jz/Ma70 swap.

    I just want to know how it pulls and whats the gas mileage like?
  7. SupraMario

    Read this and people stop leaving.

    Ok this is some crap!:3d_frown: (You can go ahead and delete this thread if you dont want to read it mods, cause I dont wish to start something.) I am writing this not because of the recent events but because of all the events that have happened on this site sence I have been a member. I think...
  8. SupraMario

    Why is this car going for 350k umm WTF? its not a ferrari enzo.
  9. SupraMario

    AAP MKIV and David Zamora's MKIII.

    I would like to congradulate you and AAP for making it into this months SCC mag, AAP and a couple of other MKIVs were featured in the Mag. B/C they layed down 1000+ HP on the Dyno at TX2k5. I havent finished reading the arcticle but you guys make all the other cars in there look like POS geo...
  10. SupraMario

    Look What I Got !!!

    Look what I got. shows how it works. it kicks ass.
  11. SupraMario

    Ebay Finds

    Ok well sence everyone seems to just start new threads for ebay stuff, i thought that one would be good enough, Lanky mind to sticky this. ill start, NE1 need suppension, NIB TEIN SS coilovers $850 buy it now. EBAY ROCKS...
  12. SupraMario

    Alright whos car is this and WTF did you do to it :umno:
  13. SupraMario

    For those who play paint.

    Has anyone everheard of ArmoTech(They are now know as Ariakon.)? I'm trying to get a WG-65, and its a sweet gun, the guns that they make are the same ones used in military and police training. SO ne1 ever used one, im a real big wood/jungle ball player. :2ar15: :1zhelp: :bigun2:
  14. SupraMario

    lowwer ride hieght for >$$$

    since im buying another supra and putting in a 2j im keeping my black 87 as a DD and just as a showcar. i dont want to throw a lot of cash into lowering my car, so what would be the cheapest setup, without cuting the springs?
  15. SupraMario

    6 speed conversion

    sence im still in the planing stages of my engine plans i was wandering if a 6 speed would match up with a 7mgte, and if they did how hard would this be. and has ne1 done this before, all the info i was using is gone from the old SM and i cant access SF anymore but never really used it for info...
  16. SupraMario

    PCI express

    :bowdown: so im building a new pc and im doing it PCIX cant wait its going to be sweet then all other $$$ goes in the supra WOOT
  17. SupraMario

    Sign the ONE Declaration.

    I know we have folding Supras, that helps out with fighting diseases, but so does this, and there is no time required. Just sign up and let our government(s) know that we care about fixing AID's and global starvation. “WE BELIEVE that in the best American tradition of helping others help...
  18. SupraMario

    dual Power seats?

    i have been thinking about this, finding a junk yard with a driver side seat and placing it in the passager seat, and im talking lumbar support and everything. how hard would this be?
  19. SupraMario

    Music Thread.

    Since music and cars go together, i just wanted to start this thread to find out what bands you all like, so we could share local bands or up coming groups. ok to start: I found this band a while ago and their music kicks so much ass. its punk rock the name of the Group is: Hidden in Plain...
  20. SupraMario

    Can She handle it?

    Ok my friend is going to take a road trip in like 2 weeks, he wants to learn on a 5 speed, so i told him i would teach him. last night he tried to get the hang of 1st gear, he got better after 2 hours. everyone keeps telling me that teaching someone screws your clutch up bad, well my car...