Search results

  1. RPSil13

    Cool/Rare parts thread?

    We should have a thread to post all the cool/rare parts for the mk3 allow me to start part: pre-89 front bumper cover/bra description: found it on craigslists one day, a local dealer was moving to a new location and cleaning out its old warehouse, its made out of hard plastic, and...
  2. RPSil13

    Body work-what to use to repair bumpers?

    What is everyone using to repair bumpers/nose piece? i had seen a thread about some polyurethane filler but when i searched all i could find was stuff about polyurethane bushings, can someone point me in the right direction, i have some pitting and i would like to know what to use to fill it...
  3. RPSil13

    spark plug issue. gapping? fuel mixtue?

    car: 87 turbo auto so i am having an issue w/ my spark plugs, its misfiring and fouling my plugs, backstory: car sat around a long time, drained 99% of all the gas, then put some fresh 91, when started car was misfiring, checked plug gap, it was at 0.041, whoa, way to big so i brought it...
  4. RPSil13

    Relay Cleaner Control??

    does anyone know what this does, it sits right next to the dr side stut tower, near the boost sensor heres the part # 85276-22070 thanks
  5. RPSil13

    compression test results question?

    didnt want to start a whole new thread but it didnt let me post on an old thread b/c it was too old, my questions is... will not disconnecting the cam sensor cause you to get wrong/bad readings i got 1. 165 2. 160 3. 162 4. 165 5. 160 6. 162 are these numbers a bit high, seems like...
  6. RPSil13

    best way to drain auto trans?

    so ill be having some days off for the holidays and id like to swap my car to 5 spd, finally! but i have to work in my driveway and dont/cant spill, so for those who have done this swap what is the best way to drain all if not most of the fluid? i was thinking of disconnecting the trans...
  7. RPSil13

    s2k antenna + whaletail???

    Ive heard that you can put an s2k antenna on the mk3, my question is how many people have this w/ a bomex whale tail, are you able to open/close the hatch?? thanks
  8. RPSil13

    How can you tell diff b/w supra/soarer 1jz harness

    I just bought this harness supposedly from a supra, can anyone help me identify if this is in fact a supra harness and ecu, also am i "missing" 2 ecu plugs or am i just overlooking something any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks and sorry for my newbness
  9. RPSil13

    1jz sensor identification

    prob an easy one for you 1jz guys, but i can figure out what sensor im missing, its the one covered by yellow tape on the intake side
  10. RPSil13

    I think I broke my Trans R154

    Im assuming its supposed to be one piece like in the 1st pic, anyone know if this can be repaired (welded), it looks like its a cast piece. not sure if it broke while on the car, or while being removed, anyone have a busted trans they wanna get rid of? according to the TSRM its the "front...
  11. RPSil13

    mod getting out of hand ie Jdub

    My post in Dowards g/b thread (i posted it there b/c thats where i saw the link): whoa, what is up w/ the EDITING, there was a lot of post on here yesterday and a link to another thread concerning an issue caused by upgrading the front on a car w/ out ABS and now it has all been deleted, why...
  12. RPSil13

    1pc Driveshaft Questions

    so my car came w/ a 1pc alumn ds from the driveshaft shop, now going off of their website the description for it says "Toyota Supra 86-88 Turbo Automatic (or 86-88 Auto with Manual Conversion) Aluminum Shaft--TOSH3 " does that mean that the ds is the same length for the auto and manual trans...
  13. RPSil13

    rodknock, how can you tell

    so im having an issue w/ my supra, after driving the car for a bit (10-15 min) at operating temp and i come to a stop sign, my idle drops to about 700 and i can hear a sound coming from the engine, it sounds like theres a marble in the oilpan, but i lightly put my foot on the gass and bring the...
  14. RPSil13

    Real or Fake Stout hood???

    i recently purchased a car w/ a cf stout hood and was told it was authentic, is there a way to verify this, it does have a sticker w/ japanese writing on it (i will try to take a pic tonight and post it) but is there a way to tell a real one apart from a fake thanks Art
  15. RPSil13

    Soarer 1jz cut harness, Go Standalone????

    So i have a soarer 1jz w/ a cut harness, should i source out an uncut harness and ecu and wire it up, or just go stand alone, i see harness's and ecus going for about 500 (plus cost of prob having to replace capacitors) or should i just go for the standalone, if so what do you guys recommend, i...
  16. RPSil13

    BATTLE VERSION adjustable arms

    Some of you guys might remember Alex Pfeiffer aka Battle Version made some rear Traction and camber arms for john's blue supra, well he's looking to make more sets available , heres some pics Stock arms FTL Battle Version FTW MOAR PICS *before *After ill...
  17. RPSil13

    Highest HP NA

    who has the highest hp NA on SM and what are your mods and hp/tq numbers, thanks
  18. RPSil13

    Oil filter SPARKLY CLEAN! after oil change WTF!!!

    so i just changed my oil and when i removed my oil filter it was as if it was brand new, there was no oil inside it whatsoever and it still even had a nice clean film of oil on the rubber gasket (from me applying before installing last time), whats going on??? according the the TSRM...
  19. RPSil13

    JDM rain guards, HELP installing

    does anyone have up close pics of the little brackets, or knows where to get them thanks
  20. RPSil13

    CB radio in car

    i dont know if this is the right place but has anyone ever heard of or done this, i remember seeing a guy w/ a cb radio in his car that was hooked up to a megaphone or something and it was just like the cops, he could speak into the mic and you would hear it outside of the car, anyone heard/know...